职位描述: 工作地点:成都岗位职责:1、负责指定区域的市场开发、客户的维护与管理;2、开展学术活动,合理有效的向客户传递医学、产品信息;3、拜访客户,提供专业化的服务,建立良好的客户关系;4、推广公司品牌,提升恒瑞在市场上的影响力。任职资格:1、大专以上学历,药学、医药等相关专业者优先;2、具有良好的业务敏锐度、学习能力及技巧;3、良好的沟通能力,组织协调能力及团队合作精神;4、为人诚实、能吃苦耐劳,工作积极主动;5、良好的自我激励能力,抗压性强。薪酬待遇:1、薪酬:基本工资+新人补贴+差旅补助+业绩提成(主要收入)2、福利:购买五险一金+定期带薪探亲假+提供宿舍有意者请投到简历至hrs_cd@163.com或电话联系18036670400以上岗位由江苏科信医药销售有限公司招聘,隶属于江苏恒瑞医药股份有限公司 职能类别: 医药销售代表 关键字: 医药代表 医药销售 销售代表 医药
jiangsu hengrui medicine is a fully integrated pharmaceutical company with r & d, manufacturing, and sales of oncology, cv, anti-infective, surgical drugs and contrast media.state designated manufacturer of narcotic drugs .
hengrui medicine has listed in shanghai securities exchange in 2000; in 2010, ranked first among 20 of the most competitive public companies in the pharma sector in china; ranked as top three in the stock market value of a gu of chinese public pharmaceutical companies.designated head liaison by ministry of chinese science and technology for the china research alliance of innovation in anti-neoplastic drugs.
hengrui medicine has two state-of-art r&d centers in shanghai and lianyungang. its medical department is located in shanghai. in addition, there are four oversee r&d facilities in us and sweden. currently over 600 scientists are employed, including 150 phd, ms, and oversee returnees. retgliptin, a dpp-4 inhibitor, was tested in phase 1 in the us in august, 2009. this was the first entry of an nme created by a chinese pharmaceutical company in the us for clinical evaluation. a series of nmes in the area of oncology& diabetes are being prepared for clinical
tests on a global scale.
a fully integrated, globally-competitive pharmaceutical company capable of delivering 1-2 nmes annually to patients with unmet medical needs.