北京相关职位: 分析实验员 分析高级项目组长 医药代表 医院制剂业务员 甘肃省技术支持(生物技术) 青海省技术支持(生物技术) 山西省技术支持(医学检验、生物技术)常驻山西 技术支持(医学检验、生物技术) 技术支持(医学检验、生物技术) 技术支持(生物技术)
周边城市招聘: 上海 浙江 安徽 广东 山东 河北 重庆 北京 江苏 湖南
企业入驻日期: 2017-11-09
职位描述: 主要工作职责:该职位负责带领团队为客户提供卡乐康各项高标准的实验室技术服务;管理实验室所有日常事务以确保技术实验室安全、合规及高效运作。工作职责:1.与客户保持良好沟通,了解客户的需求并提供准时高效的技术服务。2.管理实验室日常人员及工作安排,激励他们在要求时间期限内高质量地完成所有技术服务项目。3.改进和提高实验室各项技术服务指标,如缩短技术服务项目完成周期等。4.根据实际工作需要,制定并更新相应实验室标准操作规范;5.维护实验室整洁及安全的工作环境。6.与公司各部门同事有效沟通与协作以确保各项服务工作的顺利进行。如与工程部协作进行日常设备维护保养,确保实验室设备处于良好工作状态等;与EHS协作保证各项安全工作的顺利进行,包括和内、外部有关部门的协调与沟通及相关工作,并根据需要接待上门的审计人员;协助财务部门和人事部门处理在北京的各项事宜,包括与内、外部有关部门的协调与沟通及相关工作;通过与园区工作人员、内部和外部有关部门的及时沟通和协调,配合完成相关工作,以保证实验室的正常进行。7.带领团队分析并解决技术问题。8.管理并评估团队成员业绩,为团队成员提供培训、指导与支持帮助其提升业绩。9.协助举办对外技术活动如包衣学校、配方学校等。10.及时向技术经理汇报异常事件。11.协助技术经理完成其他必要工作。要求:1.药学相关专业本科或以上学历毕业。2.三年口服固体制剂配方经验,有薄膜包衣经验尤佳。3.一年实验室管理经验。4.良好的英文听读能力,口语流利者优先考虑。5.有一定的技术演讲经验。6.熟练使用日常办公电脑系统。Job Summary:This position is responsible for leading and supporting a team to complete determined technical projects in good manner and efficiency, providing technical support to Colorcon customers, technical and commercial staffs.This position is also responsible for managing daily lab administrative activities to ensure lab running according to relevant SOPs and at clean & safe work environment.Main Responsibilities:1.Manage daily lab administrative activities.2.Manage and motivate them to complete all incoming Technical Service project within the target timeline and with high quality.3.Keep improving the quality of lab technical service.4.Reduce average cycle time for TSR projects as further improvement activities.5.Ensure safe lab work.6.Develop and update SOPs according to changing conditions.7.Ensure work environment clean and safe.8.Work with engineering team to ensure equipment and instruments in good conditions. Work with EHS, other relevant internal and external parties to ensure the safety work; Work with finance and HR team, other relevant internal and external parties to ensure the administration work; Work with the park people, other relevant internal and external parties to ensure the smooth of Beijing lab.9.Communicate with people from other departments to get work done efficiently with good quality.10.Good communication with customer and field force while doing customer projects to ensure first time right.11.Lead and support team to make observations and interpretations of data generated and suggest creative solutions to address problems.12.Provide support on business events such as coating school and formulation school etc.13.Provide coaching support to team members and help them to grow in their work.14.Evaluate, leverage and improve the performance of lab scientists by appropriate metrics system.15.Provide necessary training to lab scientists so that they can better complete the daily task with improved knowledge and skills.16.Report any abnormal cases to Technical Manager in time.17.Assistance the Technical Manager to prepare and control the lab budget and expenses.Measurement - Balance Score Card, and Manager’s evaluationKey performance objectivesWithin 3 months1.For external candidate complete Colorcon induction training plan designed for the role.2.Complete IT systems and analysis tools training.3.Understand Colorcon operating principles, core values and culture.4.Involve in Lab scientist recruitment process.Within 6 months1.Conduct an operational review of key Lab activities including processes, systems, methods, and procedure. Identify areas for improvement and prepare a detailed plan of improvement action.2.Finalize the key performance objectives for own role and Lab scientist’s for the first year.3.Meet and build relationship with internal and external partners.4.Able to run the lab independently.Within 1st Year1.Define training and development needs and plans for each team member as necessary to strengthen the performance of the team.2.Be able to organize small coating school and training sessions for customers and conduct film coating technical presentation for coating school.3.Achieve key regional objectives defined for the year.Requirements:1.Pharmaceutical background with university graduate or above.2.Three years solid oral dosage (SOD) formulation work experience, additional with film coating experience is preferred.3.One year lab management experience.4.Fluent in Mandarin and English reading, writing, and speaking skill.5.Previous experience giving technical presentations is preferred.6.Working knowledge of Microsoft Office, Lotus Notes, and Oracle system. 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药
卡乐康(Colorcon)是全球药剂开发领域的领导者,总部位于美国费城,成立于1961年,至今已有50年以上的历史。卡乐康以优质的产品、领先的制药技术及全面的增值服务,成为全球制药企业配方的合作伙伴。 卡乐康自1993年近入中国市场,并于1996年正式注册上海卡乐康包衣技术有限公司。在进入中国20年间,卡乐康推动了薄膜包衣及配方技术在中国制药领域的快速发展。我们的专利产品欧巴代(Opadry)系列,已经成为该领域中运用最广泛的产品之一,代表了当今薄膜包衣技术的最高水平,从而也为中国市场提供了与世界同步的选择。 经过多年的磨练,我们在中国的生产规模、员工队伍、销售利润都有了快速地增长,同时确立了在行业中的领导地位。欢迎你查看我们的网站——www.colorcon.com,www.colorcon.com.cn 来获得对公司情况的进一步了解。你会对我们是药用辅料领域的全球领先者以及我们将面临的巨大发展机会而感到兴奋! 因公司业务发展需要诚聘英才,如感兴趣者请联系我们 邮件:jzhou@colorcon.com
北京相关职位: 分析实验员 分析高级项目组长 医药代表 医院制剂业务员 甘肃省技术支持(生物技术) 青海省技术支持(生物技术) 山西省技术支持(医学检验、生物技术)常驻山西 技术支持(医学检验、生物技术) 技术支持(医学检验、生物技术) 技术支持(生物技术)
周边城市招聘: 上海 浙江 安徽 广东 山东 河北 重庆 北京 江苏 湖南
企业入驻日期: 2017-11-09