11-09 发布
- 五险一金
- 补充医疗保险
职位描述: KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES: Ø Speaker Investigationl Check speaker’s information against a defined standard and objective judgmentsl Leverage her/his own medical knowledge on the investigation of speaker’s information from available sources.l Verify Speaker’s information against defined sourcesl Ensure medical delegate to have sufficient information to make objective assessment on speaker’s fair market valueØ Speaker Assessmentl Develop and initiative speaker validation form accordingly to provided criterial Work with business teams closely to address the business needs and provide them support in any cases during the assessment.l Leverage his/her medical knowledge while supporting medical delegate on the final speaker assessmentl Ensure the consistency in assessment approaches while categorizing speakers into different expert levels.l Ensure smooth information circuit at different therapeutic areas and high qualified on-time deliverables.Ø Speaker Database Maintenancel Facilitate the speaker information management in line with local and global guidance.l Monitor speaker management KPI’s.l Document management on any speaker’s relevant materials, including but not limited to speaker’s publication, speaker’s CV, speaker’s specialty, and etc.l Follow up with key business contacts or assignments on any relevant business requests JOB-HOLDER ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: Ø Education:l Bachelor degree or above, medical or relevant major is a plusØ Core competencies:l Good English level in both speaking and writingl Practical knowledge of Medical.l High level of integrity and learning agility, proactive and positive.l High sense of legal and regulatory requirements, Codes of Practice, Standard Operating Practices.l Be able to work alone under pressure. 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药
北京外企德科人力资源服务上海有限公司(简称 FESCO Adecco 外企德科)是中国人力资源服务行业最具竞争力和品牌价值的FESCO与全球人力资源服务行业领航者Adecco成立的一家中外合资人力资源服务企业,为企业及个人提供业务外包、人事服务、招聘猎头和员工福利等相关人力资源解决方案。 成立于1979年,FESCO拥有悠久的人力资源专业化服务历史、丰富的市场经验以及完备的服务资质,是中国人力资源服务行业的领跑者,Adecco则是全球人力资源行业的巨头,服务网络遍布全球60多个国家和地区。FESCO Adecco成立后,双方通过优势互补,整合了客户资源,依托全球化的资源和服务平台,融合本土网络优势,扩大了业务范围,为客户提供全方位的业务流程外包(BPO)、财务外包与薪酬管理、人事委托/人事派遣、全球化派遣、人才招聘/RPO相关服务、健康福利与弹性福利等人力资源解决方案。合资后的FESCO Adecco飞速发展,并且在浙江、重庆、深圳、苏州设立了分支机构。目前,FESCO Adecco在中国每天服务达100万名员工,服务客户近12,000家。 FESCO Adecco致力于成为最专业的人力资源全面解决方案提供商,成为客户最值得信赖的人力资源合作伙伴。为客户打开通向国际市场及创新型人力资源服务模式的大门,推动中国乃至全球的人力资源外包产业的健康发展。