11-09 发布
职位描述: 岗位职责:This Sustainable Chemicals Management (SCM) is responsible for the local implementation of the SCM strategy and providing the technical input for the Manufacturing Restricted Substances list (MRSL). The objective of the SMC program is to develop environmental management capabilities, with a focus on chemicals management of strategic processing facilities (fabric mills/dye houses, laundries and printers) in C&A’s supply chain. In line with C&A’s commitment to Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals by 2020.1.Manage the regular update of the C&A Chemical Policy (RSL & MRSL) in co-ordination with the Quality Team.2.Provide the technical input for discussions relating to the use hazardous chemicals and the performance of products and / or process in the supply chain.3.Support the implementation of C&A MRSL Conformity Guidance and supplier training.4.Participate in the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) MRSL & Conformity Guidance working group.5.Support the implementation of the Sustainable Chemicals Management Program across the country, including trainings, audits, wastewater testing, performance tracking and corrective action plan management (initial focus on hazardous chemicals, gradually expanding to water consumption, water pollution and energy consumption)6.Provide regular progress reports on the status of chemical management and environmental performance KPIs, in collaboration with the SCM and the wider Sustainable Supply Chain (SSC) team.7.Provide practical recommendations on how to improve the environmental performance of C&A’s supply chain leading to the elimination of hazardous chemicals8.Manage relationships with local external auditing and testing service9.Work with the local Quality team to support on any RSL issues to ensure chemical Compliance of final products.10.Work with sourcing team for strategy setting on mill management & mapping 任职资格:EDUCATION (Level and major): ? Bachelor holder in chemistry, textile focus preferred.EXPERIENCE (years, functional area, breadth and depth of experience):? 5+ years of working experience? Experienced with manufacturing in fabric mills / dye houses, brands or testing labs.PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION:LANGUAGE (language, level of proficiency) :? High proficiency in EnglishCOMPUTER AND SOFTWARE APPLICATION:? High proficiency in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) 职能类别: 化学分析测试员 质量管理/测试主管(QA/QC主管)
上海 长宁区
C&A始创于1841年,隶属于由家族拥有并管理的COFRA控股集团,迄今已遍布世界20个国家,至2007年底,在欧洲、拉丁美洲和中国拥有超过1800家专卖店。在全球雇有35,000多名员工。仅仅在欧洲市场,C&A在过去三年中就已新开设了450家专卖店,日客流量突破200万人次;而公司亦计划在今后2-3年中在全球继续开设300至350家新门店。2007年C&A成功在上海开设了其中国的第一家门店,成为迈入中国市场的第一步,目前C&A在上海有9家门店,在北京有8家门店,在沈阳、郑州、无锡、南京、苏州、大连、成都、宁波、长沙、武汉、济南、石家庄、重庆、唐山、青岛、西安、哈尔滨、长春,宜兴都设有专卖店。 作为世界时装零售业的领导者之一,C&A不仅为为中国消费者带来了全球领先的时尚潮流,更带来源自全球设计团队的出色灵感,他们根据本地消费者的需求,创新出“时尚你选择”的独特理念,“年轻活力、超值时尚、无限选择“是C&A为中国市场创立的全新市场定位。 C&A旗下五个风格各异,新颖独特的品牌涵盖了时装领域的方方面面,专为不同的生活理念精心打造——从最前卫的流行风格到都市里的优雅装扮,所有的系列不断更新,以满足不同生活方式的目标消费群的特殊需求: CLOCKHOUSE- 张扬自我个性,放飞自由心情-专为渴望标新立异、追求自由生活、释放青春活力的年轻人设计 Yessica-优雅魅力,独立自信,专为自信练达但又不失娇柔魅力的年轻职业***而设计 Angelo Litrico-都市休闲风,专为轻松、内敛而自信的年轻职业***设计 Baby Club-更多关爱,更加可爱,为宝宝及儿童们精心准备了品质优良、安全舒适的时尚童装 Palomino-舒适可靠,童趣无限.为孩子们提供了色彩缤纷和酷劲十足的优质服装 C&A中国专卖店是在同一店铺内,针对消费者的个人需求,独具匠心地依照不同生活方式来设置各具特色的品牌区域。它年轻,具有活力和激情的专卖店理念为消费者提供按不同风格划分的品牌区域、宽敞的购物空间程优质的客户服务。因此,C&A的各个目标客户群均可在所喜爱的风格世界里尽享购物乐趣。 Established in 1841, C&A is a major global fashion retailer renowned for trendy, modern, and exciting fashion products. At the end of 2007, C&A has a dominant market presence in 20 countries and over 1,800 stores across Europe and Latin America, as well as in China and employs over 35,000 employees worldwide. In Europe, 450 C&A stores have opened in the past three years with daily traffic exceeding two million visitors, and 300-350 stores are scheduled to open in the next two to three years worldwide. C&A China currently operates 9 stores in Shanghai, 9 stores in Beijing, and other stores distributed in Shenyang, Zhengzhou, Wuxi, Suzhou, Dalian,Chengdu,Ningbo,Changsha,Wuhan,Jinan,Shijiazhuang,Chongqing,Tangshan etc. As one of the leading fashion retailers in the world, C&A has brought exciting global trends to China, Based on the needs of the local consumers, the team creates ‘fashion you choose’.‘Young, affordable fashion with wide variety of choice’ is the unique brand positioning that C&A has created exclusively for the Chinese market. C&A has five lifestyle brands - CLOCKHOUSE, YESSICA, ANGELO LITRICO, PALOMINO and BABY CLUB - offering global fashion trends for men, ladies and kids from hip and trendy to urban chic and beyond, as well as accessories, lingerie and more. Clockhouse - Individualistic and fun. For daringly different, playful and young students. Clockhouse offers trendy, fun, 'street credible' clothing that make students ‘stand out' Yessica - Feminine and independent. For the sophisticated, confident and undeniably feminine young professional women. Yessica offers stylish, contemporary and elegant fashion choices for all wearing occasions. Angelo Litrico – for relaxed, unpretentious and self-assured young professional men. Angelo Litrico offers stylish and comfortable clothes for casual urban living. BabyClub - Caring and cute, BabyClub provides good quality, comfortable safe and stylish clothing solutions for babies. Palomino - Trusted and fun, Palomino offers good quality, colorful and cool clothing for kids. C&A has created distinctive 'worlds' for unique lifestyles tailored to their individual needs - all under one roof. Its young, dynamic and exciting store concept offers distinctive lifestyle worlds, spacious shopping environment and customer-friendly services. C&A’s target customers can enjoy themselves in their lifestyle world. A leading International fashion apparel retailer is seeking to establish the organisation and now requires qualified candidates. C&A各门店地址: 上海: 大宁店:闸北区共和新路1868号大宁国际商业广场内 正大店:浦东新区陆家嘴西路168号正大广场内 龙之梦店:长宁区长宁路1018号龙之梦百货内 金桥店:浦东新区张杨路3611弄金桥国际商业广场内 四川北路店:虹口区四川北路1318号盛邦国际大厦内 长风景畔店:上海市普陀区大渡河路196号长风景畔广场娱乐商业中心 百联徐汇店:上海市华山路2038号百联徐汇商业广场1楼 周浦万达店:浦东新区周浦镇年家浜路518号 青浦吾悦广场店: 青浦区淀山湖大道152弄69号吾悦广场 北京: 富力广场店:朝阳区东三环中路65号双井桥西侧富力广场内 国瑞店:崇文门外大街18号国瑞购物中心内 欧美汇店:海淀区丹棱街甲1号欧美汇商厦内 万柳店:海淀区巴沟路2号北京华联万柳购物中心内 爱琴海店:北京市朝阳区七圣中街12号院爱琴海购物中心一层 顺义店:北京市顺义区新顺南大街8号华联金街购物中心一层C&A商铺 罗斯福店:北京市通州区翠景北里21号楼罗斯福广场C&A店铺 绘聚购物中心店:北京市大兴区西红门欣宁大街15号绘聚购物中心 沈阳: 大悦城店:沈阳市大东区小东路5号B座 万达店:沈阳市和平区太原南街2号 万达商业广场内 龙之梦店:沈阳市大东区滂江街22号龙之梦 购物中心1楼 无锡: 保利店:无锡市解放东路1000号保利广场内 茂业店:无锡市南长区清扬路128号茂业新天地一楼C&A T12店: 中山路328号(中山路和县前西街交界处)T12时尚购物中心一楼C&A 武汉: 光谷店:湖北省武汉市洪山区珞瑜路889号光谷国际广场 万达店:武汉市武昌区东沙湖万达汉街49号J3-3-27号 摩尔城店:湖北省武汉市汉阳区龙阳大道特6号武汉摩尔城B栋一层B106 汉商银座店:湖北武汉汉阳大道139号汉商银座购物中心地上一层和地上二层1-01(钟家村) 崇光百货店:武汉市江汉区解放大道374号武汉庄胜崇光百货商场A座01 群星城店:武汉市武昌区徐东大街120号武汉群星城C&A商铺 南国西汇城市广场店:武汉市硚口区解放大道宗关387号南国西汇城市广场C&A店铺 重庆: 日月光店:重庆渝中区民权路88号日月光中心广场LG层 万达店:重庆市南岸区江南大道10号 大融城店:重庆江北区步行街8号附1号至附4号地上一层 重庆英利店:重庆市渝中区大坪正街19号“英利国际广场”地上一层和二层 郑州: 国贸店:花园路39号郑州国贸360广场1号楼内 万达店:郑州二七万达广场内购物中心的部分1D商铺号 宁波: 世纪东方店:宁波市中山东路1083号宁波世纪东方广场内 来福士广场店:宁波市江北区大庆南路99号来福士广场一楼 长沙: 乐和城店:长沙市芙蓉区黄兴中路188号乐和城内 喜盈门商厦店:长沙市雨花区万家丽中路三段36号喜盈门商业广场1栋 大连: 天兴罗斯福店:大连市沙河口区西安路天兴罗斯福购物中心内 佳兆业广场店:大连中山区天津街277号佳兆业广场L136-L140;L227-L232 万和购物广场店:大连市经济技术开发区金马路208号万和购物广场的部分地上一层 亿合城购物中心店: 大连市甘井子区山东路235号,亿合城购物中心一层C&A店铺 苏州: 印象城店:工业园区现代大道1699号印象城购物中心内 石路店:苏州石路步行街88号苏州太阳广场1层 繁华商业中心店:苏州市人民路4555号繁花商业中心的购物中心 利丰店:苏州市吴中区宝带东路399号1栋101-201 南京: 南京江宁万达店:南京市江宁区东山街道金箔路577号江宁万达广场一层 南京建邺万达店:南京市建邺区江东中路98号地上一层 成都: 富力天汇店:成都市青羊区顺城大街289号富力天汇购物中心内 万达店:四川省成都市金牛区一环路北三段1号成都金牛万达广场部分地上一层 成都春熙路店:成都市春熙路西段12号地上一层、二层和三层 成都天府店:四川省成都市青羊区天府广场B1 C&A商铺 世豪购物中心店:四川省成都市高新区剑南大道998号世豪购物中心一楼C131 成都温江店:成都市温江区光华大道三段1588号1栋 石家庄: 万达店:石家庄市裕华区建华南大街136号石家庄裕华万达广场超市楼1030号 乐汇城店:河北省石家庄市桥东区中山东路11号乐汇城106-207号商铺 济南: 银座店:山东省济南市槐荫区经十路22799号银座和谐广场L119-L121及L216-L21 世茂店:山东省济南市历下区泉城路26号世茂国际广场 唐山: 唐山万达店:唐山市路南区新华东道100号的唐山万达广场 哈尔滨: 学府店:哈尔滨市南岗区学府路1-1号“凯德广场•学府”商场地上一层01-35*39/40-1/41号和地上二层02-32*35号 西安: 西市城店:劳动南路118号西市城购物中心地上一层区域6F1111商铺 西安中贸广场店:陕西省西安市碑林区南稍门中贸广场一层C&A 青岛: 万达店:山东省青岛市北区延吉路116号青岛万达广场一层140-142#商铺 乐客城店:青岛市李沧区夏庄路1号 伟东.乐客城 一层 长春: 宽城万达店:长春市宽城区凯旋路418号万达广场娱乐楼C-1F-B 美丽方购物中心店:长春市朝阳区崇智路58号 美丽方民生时尚购物中心F1-04,F1-05,F2-03 宜兴: 万达店:宜兴市宜城街道东虹路550号(万达广场1号) 娱乐楼C-1F-B单元 更多信息请访问公司网站:http://www.canda.cn