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  • 11-09 发布
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职位描述: 职位描述:试剂制备、相关医药产品研发、市场拓展支持职位要求:1、医学、药学、食品营养等专业,硕士(有工作经验者优先)2、英语要求:CET-6级,具备较好的听、写能力3、对企业忠诚,保守企业机密4、具备开拓创新、吃苦耐劳精神联系人:陆经理 联系电话:0514-87849460 职能类别: 医药技术研发人员 关键字: 研发




江苏美迪森生物医药有限公司创办于2011年12月,公司立足于重大代谢性疾病及心血管疾病的诊断治疗领域,依托强大的研发团队及完备的生产、实验装备,开展高端实验动物疾病模型诱导剂、疾病模式动物及新药等产品的研发、生产及市场运作。公司坐落于江苏扬州高新技术开发区内,地理条件优越,交通便捷,欢迎有识之士加盟公司,共谋大业! Medicience is a high tech biological & pharmaceutical company funded by famous publically listed companies and staffed with well known medical & biological scientists. With the top scientists, professional team, advanced equipments, and qualified production line, Medicience focus on solutions for the metabolic and cardiovascular disease to develop and distribute disease-induced diets, animal models, reagents and antibodies, non-invasive diagnostic kits and novel targets for drug development. We are looking for highly qualified talents to develop the overseas markets of our products.
