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职位描述: 岗位职责:1.协助产品经理制定完整有效的区域产品推广策略,并负责具体实施;2.组织或参与区域学术会;3.与目标客户保持良好关系,维护公司与品牌形象;4.协助完成区域内目标医院的开发;5.提供市场反馈信息并作出适当建议。 任职要求:1.大学本科以上学历,医药等相关专业背景;2.两年以上区域内医院销售经验,有妇产科、神经外科经验者优先;3.有配合市场部开展大型学术活动的经验;4.独立工作能力强,愿意尝试并接受新推广模式的挑战;5.良好的协调沟通和表达能力,诚信勤恳,工作主动。 职能类别: 药品市场推广主管/专员 医药学术推广




吉瑞大药厂总部位于匈牙利布达佩斯,是一家以创新和研发为导向的、从原料到成品纵向一体化的制药企业。成立于 1901的吉瑞大药厂经过百年发展,已成长为年销售额达10多亿美元的大型跨国企业,凭借自身的营销网络将产品推广 至全球100多个国家,聘用员工11000余名。吉瑞大药厂是妇科领域的市场领导者之一,拥有覆盖***各年龄阶段的产品及 创新的产品线。 吉瑞全球官网 – www.richter.hu Gedeon Richter is a vertically integrated, innovative, research and development driven speciality pharmaceutical company headquartered in Budapest, Hungary. Founded in 1901 Gedeon Richter has grown to a billion-dollar multinational group of companies, distributing products in more than 100 countries through its own marketing network , employing more than 11.000 people worldwide. Gedeon Richter is a marketleader in the field of gynecology with a comprehensive product portfolio and innovative pipeline products. Gedeon Richter Global website – www.richter.hu 吉瑞中国是吉瑞大药厂和瑞密斯医药共同在华成立的、由吉瑞大药厂持有多数股权的合资企业,2013年销售额达6400万美元。吉瑞中国将进一步巩固和加强现有或未来的处方药、非处方药、及第三方产品在中国市场的地位。通过自身的销售团队及两家公司的其他专业能力,我们的业务范围同时覆盖处方药和非处方药领域。作为行业领导者,我们为您的产品在中国市场的成功提供一切必需的,有效的服务。 Gedeon Richter China is a majority stake JV of Gedeon Richter with Rxmidas Pharmaceuticals in China. Gedeon Richter China achieved sales of 64 mio USD in 2013. We will continue to strengthen and grow the market position for all our existing and future Rx and OTC products as well as for all licensed-in third party products in China. We cover both the Rx and OTC market with separate sales-force and integrated services under the Gedeon Richter China and GRmidas brand franchises. As a leading service provider in China, we offer in house all services necessary for your products to be successful in China. 吉瑞微信:欢迎关注吉瑞医药微信(微信号:shisanfenzhiliu)获取更多招聘资讯
