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职位描述: 岗位职责:1、负责组织安排公司生物药品研发项目的注册申报工作,申报资料的初步技术审核及资料提交,跟踪注册项目的审批进度;2、组织协调处理国家、省市药监局,药检所等部门进行药品注册现场检查及相关事宜;3、与研发部门和职能人员密切合作,及时掌握注册药品的最新动态,与相关人员沟通并协助完成补充资料;负责协调解决药品研发及注册过程中的法规和注册问题;4、建立和维护与药品注册相关主管部门和专家的联系,推进申报品种的注册进展;5、负责跟踪、收集国内外药监的政策法规,及时汇总、整理出台各种药事法规文件及技术资料,为公司决策提供依据;6、领导交办的其他工作。任职要求:1、药事法规、药学、生物学等相关专业,本科/硕士以上学历;2、具有5年以上药品注册申报经验,参与过至少2个以上生物药品项目资料整理和撰写工作;3、熟悉药品注册法规及程序,熟悉药品注册申报流程和各个环节,熟悉申报资料的撰写及具有对申报资料审核的能力;4、具备良好的沟通、协作能力,能与相关政府部门、专业机构建立良好关系; 职能类别: 药品注册




Welcome to BurmingNash Consulting (博明纳仕-智能制造招聘专家) company profile- Recruiting Expert in Intelligence ManufacturingBurmingNash Consulting (博明纳仕) is a leading professional recruitment consultancy, offering Executive Search, Contingency Recruitment and RPO services in Asia Region.Our services include a range of recruitment solutions tailored to meet the needs of both Foreign- and Chinese- owned organizations, across a diverse portfolio of industry segments.Our reputation has been built upon delivering outstanding results and exceptional service levels.Our consultants are subject matter experts in their chosen fields, they are experienced, thoroughly trained and, importantly, passionate about their specialist fields.Our Sectors: Intelligent manufacturing/ Robotics / AI / 3D Printing/ AR / UAV/ Home Automation/ Autonomous Vehicle Intelligence Logistics; 机器人、人工智能、VR、无人机、无人驾驶、智能家居、智能物流、3D打印We are confident that our expertise can add value to your recruitment or job search process – get in touch to find more.Contact with: michelle.dong@burmingnash.com.cn ; + 86) 21 52991611
