11-09 发布
职位描述: We are seeking a highly motivated and experienced immuno-oncologist to join our drug discovery team. The position requires in-depth knowledge in cellular and humoral immunity, particularly in innate and adaptive immunity. The qualified candidate is expected to have extensive hands-on experience in establishing in vitro assays that interrogate human immune system, skills in evaluating the effect of drug candidates on immune end points and biomarkers, and knowledge in relevant animal models. ResponsibilitiesWork with Immuno-oncology leaders to discover and develop new therapeutic modalities for cancer immunotherapyServe as project team lead on cellular immunotherapy and therapeutic antibody programs in the areas of immune-oncology and oncology, managing timelines, milestones, budgets and objectivesManage a team of scientists focusing on in vitro immune cell functional assaysDevelop and evaluate new approaches in research and make intellectual property submissionsQualificationsPh.D. in Immunology or related discipline3+ years of postdoctoral training with a working knowledge of tumor immunology, 3+ years of biotech/biopharmaceutical experience in immunology/oncologyExtensive experience with immune cell model systems, in vitro functional assay development and drug-candidate validationRecognized as a leader in the field with a strong publication record in the areas of inflammation, autoimmunity, and/or immuno-oncology.Proven interpersonal and communication skills and enthusiasm for participating in a fast-paced environment of rigorous science and innovative thinking Excellent managerial and supervisory skills 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药
金斯瑞介绍 GenScript USA Inc. 2002年成立于美国新泽西州医药产业带, 作为集研发、生产、销售于一体的全球领先的生物技术公司和生物药研发CRO公司,GenScript为客户提供基因、多肽、蛋白、抗体、细胞系等药物研发所需的生物试剂,和新药筛选、小分子药物和大分子药物开发等早期药物研发服务。公司与各种类型的制药公司、生物技术公司和学术研究机构协作,提高他们的研究效率和核心竞争力,从而提升他们针对各种疾病的研究能力,缩短药物研发周期,最终改善人类健康和生活。公司已发展成为具有世界***水平的生物CRO公司和全球领先的基因合成供应商,且目前分别在法国、日本和中国设有分部。目前,金斯瑞在南京江宁高新技术开发区的注册资金高达1亿美元。 金斯瑞的人员结构 公司现有员工1200余人,其中本科硕士及以上学历者占公司员工总数70%以上。每个部门都有来自欧美著名院校毕业的专家,每位专家都有在欧美著名医药企业或生物技术服务公司多年的服务、管理经验,并在各自的领域内取得丰硕的成果。 金斯瑞的特色 中国最大的生物 医药研发外包服务企业(CRO) 全球领先的基因合成服务供应商 行业内最先进的抗体服务承诺 为小分子及大分子早期药物研发,提供一站式的生物外包服务 主要生产和研发部门位于在中国,拥有先进的设备和面积超过108,000 平方英尺的实验室 24小时在线客服 ISO 9001:2000 认证,AAALAC 认证,严格的客户知识产权保护体系 拥有先进的生物信息学工具和强大的IT技术支持,为客户提供增值服务 客户遍及全球70多个国家的科研机构、***制药公司和生物技术公司 丰富经验的科研团队及管理团队