• 无工作经验
  • 本科
  • 招若干人
  • 11-09 发布


职位描述: Responsibilities 工作职责?Responsible for all aspects of board and system level design including design input, specification, architecture design and verification.?负责系统级相关的所有电路板的设计包括设计输入,规格定义,系统框架设计和设计验证;?Responsible for circuit analysis, schematics capture, PCB layout, simulation and component selection.?负责电路设计,原理图绘制,PCB 布局,仿真和元器件甄选;?Familiar with PCB fabrication process and standard;?熟悉PCB 电路板制程和标准;?Develop system and board level validation and verification plan to ensure that the product meets electrical and engineering specifications.?设计系统和电路板的有效性验证方案以确保产品符合电子工程参数要求;?Work with mechanical engineer to design product enclosure and cross check with electrical designs.?与机械工程师共同合作设计产品外壳,交叉检验以配合电路设计;?Support manufacturing and field service needed on various issues.?协助产品导入生产, 并给予相关现场支持;Minimum Qualifications 基本资历要求?BS in EE or related field?5+ years of experience in system/board level design.?Strong knowledge on at least one electrical EDA tool (Protel, Orcad, PADS or Allegro)?Hands-on experience with lab test equipment and electrical rework tools?Knowledge on FPGA coding such as Verilog or VHDL is a big plus.?Knowledge on embedded coding such as MCU and/or ARM processor is a big plus?Demonstrated ability to work and thrive in multi-project environment.?Demonstrated written and verbal communication skills.?电子工程或相关专业本科以上学历;?5年及以上系统/主板设计经验;?熟练掌握至少一种电子设计工具(Protel, Orcad, PADS or Allegro);?具备实验室测试和电路修理的实践经验;?掌握FPGA 编程技术如Verilog 或 VHDL (更佳)?掌握嵌入式编程技术如MCU 或 ARM processor(更佳)?能适应多项目并行的工作;?良好的书面和口头沟通交流能力;Preferred Qualifications 优先资历?MS or Ph.D. in EE or related field?10+ years of experience in system/board level design.?Experience in medical imaging product design.?Strong knowledge of ultrasound imaging or radar systems.?电子工程或相关专业研究生或博士以上学历;?10年及以上系统/主板设计经验;?有医疗影像产品的设计经验;?熟悉超声系统产品或雷达产品。 职能类别: 医疗器械研发




珂纳医疗科技(苏州)有限公司是一家以半导体微机电传感器为核心技术的医用超声换能器研发和生产企业,成立于2013年9月,位于苏州园区独墅湖环境优美配套齐全的生物纳米园。   公司由留美归国专家和国内精英、业内资深人士共同创立,与珂纳医疗位于美国硅谷的研发团队共同研发了微纳机电、传感器、超声成像系统等核心技术,拥有自主知识产权和多项国际国内专利。  公司的宗旨是将我们研发的世界领先的微机电MEMS/NEMS超声波传感器技术产业化,开发出新一代医用超声探头,联合上下游产业链,注入核心技术,填补国内在这一技术领域的空白。公司将致力于推广医用超声的应用范围,生产出有自主知识产权并领先世界的医疗超声产品,提高国家医用超声产业的整体技术水平。 现公司应发展需要,诚招相关优秀人才。公司遵守园区的法规,为员工办理五险一金,并致力于为员工提供一个积极,开放,平等交流和舒适的工作环境。欢迎稳重踏实,有开创精神的新员工加入我们的团队!
