11-09 发布
- 五险一金
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职位描述: 从事原料药的物理化学研究,包括但不局限于溶解度研究、稳定性研究,HPLC方法开发。2. Plan and execute analytical method development and validation for drug substances and products, stability study, and study reports..从事原料药和药物制剂分析方法的开发和验证,稳定性研究, 撰写研发报告。3.Develop new formulations (such as nano-particles, solid dispersion, microemulsion)for preclinical studies to improve bioavailability.开发新的制剂(如纳米微粒,固体分散剂,微乳)用于临床前动物研究4. Assume responsibility for assigned instruments, maintaining them in proper calibration and working order according to the appropriate SOP; perform calibrations as assigned.对分析仪器按照标准操作规程维护和校准并保持日常运作,对仪器进行校验。5. Function as project manager role in preformulation development projects under the minimum instruction of the supervisor.在主管指导下,作为项目经理承担责任。6. Quick adaptability to new technical advancement and be a technical leader in certain areas.快速适应新技术发展,并在相关领域作为技术带头人。Core business/Functional skills and education: 职业技能和教育背景1. M.S. or Ph.D. degree in pharmaceutical science, pharmaceutical analysis, analytical/physical chemistry, physical pharmacy or other directly-related science disciplines.药学,药物分析,分析化学,物理化学,物理药学或其它相关专业,本科 硕士或博士学历。2. Familiar with analytical techniques, especially HPLC; Experience with solid-state characterization, analytical techniques is desirable.熟悉常用分析方法,特别是HPLC。有固态表征仪器和分析技术,及其它处方前研究分析仪器的知识及经验者优先。3. Experience in formulation/dose development and preformulation development is helpful but not required..熟悉或者有制剂开发和处方前研究经验者优先。4. Outstanding communication, both written and verbal, skills in English. Good interpersonal communication skills.较强的英语口语和写作能力;良好的沟通能力。 职能类别: 医药技术研发人员 关键字: 制剂研发 处方前制剂 研发 国内领先技术 平台
合全(sta)是药明康德全资子公司,其中包括:上海合全药物研发有限公司( 原药明康德工艺研发部,上海外高桥),合全药物公司是sta 专门从事工艺合成路线研发及放大实验的研发团队;合全药业金山公司和常州公司是sta 提供符合cgmp 标准的中式放大及商业化生产的基地。shanghai syntheall pharmaceutical co., ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiaries of wuxi app tec, including:sta r&d is professional in route selection and process scaled up r&d;sta jinshan and changzhou are the pilot plants and commercial production base under cgmp.sta 公司愿景 sta vision:改变创新药api 的工艺研发和生产模式,加快新药研发速度,降低新药成本,造福人类健康。transform how industry develops and manufactures apis, shorten the time and lower the cost of new drug developments, improve the quality of life.sta 公司使命 sta mission:不断创新、不断完善创新药api 的工艺研发以及研发和商业化生产的一体化平台,为全球新药研发机构提供最优质最高效的api 工艺研发和生产一体化服务和***解决方案。constantly enhance the capabilities of our fully-integrated api development and manufacturing platform from preclinical batches to commercial supplies, provide highly efficient and cost-effective solutions to our partners worldwide.
2516767748 Specialist - Cleaning Validation(职位编号:2516767748)
技术支持专员(肿瘤业务) 0.8-1万/月
高级产品经理(生殖遗传) 1.5-2万/月
免疫研发项目经理(心血管、炎症类) 0.8-1万/月
免疫研发项目经理(传染病) 0.8-1.2万/月
3594211745 Senior product manager_Rocaltrol(职位编号:3594211745)
产品经理(生殖遗传) 1.5-2万/月
产品经理(肿瘤) 1.5-2万/月
技术支持专员 0.8-1万/月
细胞实验室主管 0.8-1万/月
细胞饲养员 4.5-6千/月
细胞技术专员(细胞饲养主管) 0.8-1万/月
销售主管/地区经理(欣母沛-湖北) 1-1.5万/月
静安-知名药企招医药质量助理 6-8千/月