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职位描述: 岗位职责1、负责公司质量管理系统建立、维护和改进;2、组织、推动质量管理体系推行、实施与持续改进,包括负责第二、三方的审核或认证相关的策划、计划、组织等工作;3、负责组织产品开发、生产中的异常问题的分析、改进活动;4、负责对检验标准的制定、修改、定期评审,检查标准执行状况、有效性;5、参与、策划各种质量管理活动,如参与对外协合作方的审核、认证工作和内部人员的质量培训。任职资格1、管理、质量等相关行业本科以上学历;英语良好;2、5年以上质量管理工作经验;3、熟悉ISO9000、3C、CE、IP65;了解ISO9000质量体系在企业的运作方法;了解产品工艺流程;4、工作认真负责,严谨细致,有较强的分析解决问题能力; 职能类别: 药品生产/质量管理 质量管理/测试主管(QA/QC主管)




公司介绍COMPANY INTRODUCTION卡斯特洁净室系统(KCS)是荷兰在上海的合资公司。KCS专业为制药/生物技术行业提供交钥匙工程。这种交钥匙工程包括净化系统,空调系统,电气和控制系统。KARSTEN CLEANROOM SYSTEMS (KCS) is Dutch JV company in Shanghai. KCS is supplying Turn-Key Cleanroom facilities to the Pharma/BiotechIndustries. Such Turn Key system includes the Cleanroom system, HVAC system, Electrical and Control system. KCS有主要为洁净室生产的制造工厂。原材料暖通空调系统设备主要购自第三方,所有的产品和安装均已达国际标准。KCS在活跃中国15年以来,享有业界的较高声誉。KCS has its own manufacturing facility where mainly all components are produced for the cleanrooms. Materials and equipment for HVAC system are mainly bought from 3rd parties. All products and installations are made in accordance with the International quality standards. KCS has built up the High Reputation in the market active now for more than 15 years in China. Total KCS employees are 140p with 14p in Design department KCS设计部门负责基本设计,二次设计和施工图纸的暖通空调,洁净室,电气和控制系统项目的基础工作。公司所有活动都是由设计部牵头。设计部是客户需求和项目执行的纽带。KCS Design department is responsible for basic designs, detail designs and construction drawings for HVAC, cleanrooms, electrical and control system on a project base. All company activities are initiated by Design dpt. Design dpt acts as the intermediate between client requirements and project execution. KCS是一家在欧洲有母公司和姐妹公司的国际公司。KCS依靠KCS团队在世界各地项目的出色的完成各类项目。KCS设计部在交钥匙工程方面是领先的,国际交往和沟通是每天工作的一部分。KCS is an international company with its parent and sister companies in Europe. KCS has acquired projects in different parts of world which are handled by combined KCS teams. In Turn-Key assignments the Design dpt of KCS Shanghai is leading which means that international contacts and communication is part of daily live.COMPANY INQUIRY:KCS致力于员工的个人发展,而个人发展是员工的职业生涯中成功的关键。KCS致力于改善员工的待遇。我们很乐意您前来我司洽谈您在我司的未来规划。KCS considers personal development the Key factor for success. The last 15 years have been succesfull for KCS and rewarding for its staff.We would be happy to welcome you for an interview to discuss your potential development in our company.联系地址:公司地址:上海奉贤肖塘沪杭公路1091号Address: No. 1091 Huhang Road, Feng Xian Xi Du County, 201401, Shanghai P.R.C公司网址/Website www.kcscn.comE-mail: miranda@kcscn.com联系人/Contact: Miranda021-33655994
