职位描述: 岗位职责:1、负责医学系统平台的软件开发,包括图形用户界面、数据管理模块、三维显示和重建模块、交互式工具等开发;2、负责相关模块的单元测试、代码走读;3、负责相关模块的技术文档的编写;4、负责公司产品软件著作权的编写;5、上级交给的其他任务。岗位要求:1、本科及以上学历,生物医学工程、计算机科学与技术相关专业优先;2、精通C++/C#语言,有良好的编码风格,对图形图像算法理论有深入了解者优先;3、能独立编写程序,良好的数学功底和逻辑思维;4、有实际医学软件项目开发经验者优先;5、至少有过一个完整的项目开发经验;6、对医学图像分割,配准,三维重建算法理论熟悉者优先;;7、具备较强的学习能力和团队合作精神,对待工作认真负责; 职能类别: 医疗器械研发 高级软件工程师
China Healthcare Consultant (Group) Company Limited (CHC) is a China's leading medical industry and investment consulting services company, headquartered in Hong Kong. CHC offers China medical business information, business development and influence spread, industry and investment consulting service for China and international medical clients.
CHC devotes to become the leading medical consulting service company in China and the Asia-Pacific region. We provide various customized solutions to meet your business and investment needs. Our services include: medical information data, healthcare investment consulting, medical industry summit etc. which dedicate to the establishment of medical institutions and corporate investment in the field of business cooperation platform.