11-09 发布
- 五险一金
- 补充医疗保险
- 定期体检
- 餐饮补贴
- 通讯补贴
职位描述: 1.医学专业PPT写作;2.参加项目策划中医学部分内容;要求:1.有同行业经验;2.具有医学等相关专业知识;3.有责任心,对项目有策划能力;4.英语四、六级,有英文文献阅读整理能力。 职能类别: 编辑 医药学术推广
迪思传媒集团其前身北京迪思信息咨询有限责任公司(以下简称“公司”)自1996年4月18日成立以来,已连续6年在中国同行业排名中位居前十,迪思一直致力于成为中国领先的市场营销顾问专业企业。迪思,以整合见长,以实效出众,既可为客户大规模的传播战役提供强有力的支持,也可根据客户特定时期的特定需求,用单一的传播方式实现客户所期望的效果。迪思提供国际化标准管理方法引导下的“准确定制”的实效品牌传播咨询服务。目前迪思总部设在北京,在上海、广州、成都设有分公司;迪思拥有包括公关、广告、活动、网络营销和体育营销近300人的专业服务团队。迪思,专注于产品品牌与企业品牌的整合行销传播,运用广告、公共关系、事件行销、网络营销、体育营销以及与之相关的策略与咨询等服务为您打造强势品牌。迪思是较早提倡线上、线下整合营销的本土公关传播集团,也是较早成立独立的网络营销和体育营销公司的本土公关传播集团。迪思致力于提供专业、完整、高质、快捷的品牌传播服务,帮助客户提高知名度、增强美誉度、维护忠诚度,实现企业业务的持续增长和持久发展。迪思自成立以来,在汽车、金融、消费品、生物制药、IT高科技行业、房地产等多领域积累了丰富的专业经验和良好的口碑。凭借十多年的丰富经验和传播实践,构建了以客户需求和行业要求为导向的专业服务体系及健全的全国服务网络;在中国传播业内,我们拥有追求专业和实效的良好声誉。我们有幸为许多世界著名品牌和中国领先世界的企业提供专业品牌传播服务,并为这些品牌的在中国的发展和增值感到自豪。专业传播,铸就品牌,是迪思始终如一的核心理念。Since its establishment in April 18, 1996, D&S Media Group with its predecessor of Beijing D&S information consulting Co.,Ltd (with abbreviation “company” below) has been ranking top ten in the Chinese colleague profession during the past continual 6 years. D&S has always been dedicating itself to be the leading professional marketing consulting enterprise.D&S, eminent at communication integration and effectiveness, can provide to clients not only the solid supports on large communication campaigns, but also the tailor-made communication methods to achieve the expected results upon clients' specific requirements in specified period. D&S offers "accurately customized", result-oriented consulting services on brand communications guided by international standard management methods.Headquartering in Beijing, D&S also has branches in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu, its professional service team has nearly 300 people in public relations, advertising, events, online marketing and sports marketing areas.D&S, focusing on integrated marketing communications (IMC), builds powerful product brands and corporate brands for clients with advertising, public relations, event management, on-line marketing and the relevant strategy consulting services. D&S is not only the pioneer of local communication group advocating online and offline integrated marketing, but also the earliest local communication group establishing separate online marketing and sports marketing subsidiary companies.D&S is committed to help clients increase awareness, enhance reputation, and maintain loyalty for the sustainable growth and long-term development through professional, integrated, high-quality and rapid brand communication services.Since foundation, D&S has accumulated rich communication experience in automobile, finance, consumable, pharmaceutical, and high-tech industries, and gets good public praises. Depending on over 10 years' rich experiences and communication practices, D&S has built professional service system basing on clients' demands and industry requirements, as well as the complete service network countrywide. We are well known as pursuing specialty and effectiveness in China PR industry.Many of our clients are world famous companies, we are happy to see the development and increase of their brand assets in China through our professional communication services."Empowering your brand" is the D&S slogan and our core philosophy
硬件工程师 1-1.5万/月
工艺研发人员 5-8千/月
质量检测工程师 4-7千/月
细胞库、生物样本库管理师 4-8千/月
知识产权经理 1.2-1.5万/月
蛋白分析技术员(包食宿) 0.6-1万/月
实验员(提供食宿) 3.5-5千/月
质检员(提供食宿) 3-4.5千/月
研究助理 6-8千/月
实验助理 4.5-6千/月
研发员 6-8千/月
市场开发 1-1.5万/月
生物工程师 Biology Engineer 30-40万/年
行政助理Admin Assistant 0.6-1万/月
蛋白质生物学工程师 Protein Biology Engineer 15-30万/年