• 5-7年经验
  • 本科
  • 招1人
  • 11-09 发布
  • 五险一金
  • 弹性工作
  • 绩效奖金


职位描述: This role is responsible for leading a project team in delivering a solution to the client using the appropriate business measurements and terms and conditions for the project according to the project agreement or contract. The role has overall performance responsibility for managing scope, cost, schedule, and contractual deliverables, which includes applying techniques for planning, tracking, change control, and risk management. Be responsible for managing all project resources, including subcontractors, and for establishing an effective communication plan with the project team and the client. The role provides day to day direction to the project team and regular project status to the client.该职位负责领导项目团队,使用适当的业务度量及条款和条件,根据项目协议或合同为客户提供解决方案。该职位全面负责项目绩效,管理项目范围、成本、进度、和合同约定的可交付成果,包括项目计划,跟踪,变更控制和风险管理等。负责管理所有项目资源,包括分包商,并与项目团队和客户建立有效的沟通计划。该职位为项目团队提供日常指导,并定期将项目状况反馈给客户。Responsibilities: 职责:1. Master skills and knowledge in LIMS, development and data analysis software in pharmaceutical/biotech industry.掌握制药及生物技术行业的实验室信息管理系统,研发及数据分析软件的知识和技能2. Communicate with clients to understand their pain points, cooperate with third parties to design a solution based on clients’ URS.与客户沟通了解其痛点,与第三方合作为客户提供基于用户需求的解决方案。3. Plan, manage and deliver on the work streams / projects, through all phases.     在项目各阶段,计划,管理和交付工作流/项目。4. Establish and track project schedule that are in the project plan and aligned with related third parties.建立并跟进项目进度,并与第三方协调一致。5. Ensure that change control, risk management and best practices are included in the plan and in the execution of the projects.确保变更控制,风险管理和***实践包含在项目计划和执行中。6. Effectively manage project scope collaborates to ensure required resources are assigned to the project for successful delivery.有效的管理项目范围的协作,确保所需资源被分配给项目,保证项目的成功交付。7. Be responsible for financial alignment and tracking of actual to estimate cost and escalates concerns in a timely manner.负责财务上跟踪实际和预估费用,并及时指出问题。8. Be responsible for transition to operational support and project close-out.负责过渡到运营支持和项目完成。Qualifications: 资质:1. Graduated with Bachelor degree or higher in science related area.理科专业本科及以上学历2. Has 2 year+ working experience in QC lab in the Pharmaceutical/Biotech Industry or similar industries.2年以上医药或生物技术行业QC实验室工作经历3. Familiar with Chromatography systems, e.g. Waters, Agilent and Shimadzu.熟悉色谱系统,如:沃特世,安捷伦,岛津4. Highly organized, self-motivated, customer oriented and able to work independently as well as within a team.条理性强,自我激励,客户导向,能够独立工作,并善于团队协作。5. Has strong leadership skills with the ability to build strong relationships with customers, project team and third parties.具有较强的领导能力,能够与客户、项目团队和第三方建立良好的关系。6. Good computer skills with high proficiency in MS Office Suite.良好的计算机技能,熟练使用微软办公软件7. Prior project management experience is preferable.有项目管理经验者优先8. Fluently bilingual in both English and Chinese is preferable.流利的中英文双语者优先 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药 药品生产/质量管理 关键字: 项目经理 项目主管




北京博瑞祥腾科技有限公司是一家以代理进口科研和生产设备的专业公司,致力于服务制药企业、科研和政府机构。本着专注、专业和持续改进的公司文化,推崇为用户提供整体解决方案,针对大学、研究所、制药企业及生物研发公司提供配套的离心机、冻干机、箱体以及配套无菌保障设备,并提供实验室和工艺外包服务;针对分子诊断和科研领域,代理和销售核酸制备、提取以及快速分析系统和试剂;开发和销售制药企业质量管理软件系统。公司为员工提供宽松的工作环境,充足的社会保障。坚信,对公司满意的员工,才能为用户提供满意的服务。公司核心管理团队拥有拥有中科院、北京大学等知名学府的学历及海外工作学习经历,有近20年的进口设备技术经验和为中国用户服务经验。公司成立四年以来,已经取得医疗器械经营许可证、进出口资质,是中科院、清华大学、北京大学医学部等单位的入围供应商,并中标过数十个政府采购项目。我司可为用户提供从试验设计到工程实施、优化的设备配置及售后服务。我们希望以丰富的经验、技能和高涨的服务热情,为用户提供一流的服务。我们衷心的希望,为用户的科研工作提供更好的保障。上述职位要求全职,公司提供良好的福利待遇和广阔的发展空间。待遇:面谈,基本工资+绩效+提成福利:依据国家规定保险,出差依据标准,实报实销工作地点:北京海淀上地安宁庄西路工作时间:周一到周五 ,8:30-17:30 ,午休1小时,周六日及国家法定节日放假

