• 3-4年经验
  • 硕士
  • 招1人
  • 11-09 发布


职位描述: 1. Position purposeThe MSL shall act as a scientific expert between Bayer and Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) /medical community through the dissemination and education of scientific data and material in cardiovascular (CV) area. The MSL uses his/her experience and knowledge interacting with key external medical and pharmacy professionals through the process of education via one-on-one interaction; small group discussion and symposia lecture presentations including interactions associated with sponsored medical education programs and research protocols. The MSL will facilitate Opinion Leader involvement in national, regional and local educational forums including advisory boards, symposia and CME venuesThe MSL also serves as an important partner to internal stakeholders within Bayer by communicating relevant information from KOL to key cross-functional partners.2. Major tasks and responsibilities of position1. Primary Activities: (1) Exchange and dissemination of scientific, educational, and research related information:1)Draft regional medical plan based on insight of CV TA and alignment with regional MKT/Sales2)Engage KOLs as an information scientist to provide professional support on product information and disease state, including scientific data, study protocols, meeting abstracts, and professional literature3)Proactive discussions on-label and reactive discussions for unsolicited off-label questions in alignment with local regulations(2) KOL Identification / profiling / segmentation and strategy and engagement planning1)Working closely with business partners to establish 1st-tier and 2nd-tier KOL pool in the individual region2)Draft KOL management strategy and engagement plan by in aligning with medical plan(3) Interactions with Medical Societies and Advisory Boards:1)Answer medical / scientific queries of Medical Societies with regards to BHP products2)Organize / support / participate in advisory boards and round-table discussions to build KOL advocacy: agenda development, scientific materials preparation, presentation communication.(4) Coordinate and support Scientific Education Activities:1)Plan and organize scientific training and education events / sessions with KOLs within their specific therapeutic area or product(5) Participation at / networking in Congresses and Conventions:1)Use congresses and conventions to network with KOLs, establish new contacts2)Gather competitive intelligence and update stakeholders accordingly(6) Collect ISS ideas and facilitate ISS & NIS set-up:1)Act as a point of contact for investigators to collect scientific ideas to address unmet needs2)Facilitate the interface with investigators and TA Medical Advisors for concept communication and ISS & NIS approval3)Communicate and track the study progress and completion2. Secondary Activities(1) Internal scientific support1)Support to training activities in addition to answering scientific / medical queries by the Sales Representatives (in conjunction with / as a supporting element to Medical Advisors)2)Provide assistance to Medical Advisors and other cross-functions (marketing, sales, PR, HEOR, et al) sectors as required3)Support clinical development when required by operation function and RA (site and investigator selection, safety issue follow up, et al)4)Participate in Brand Team activities to provide medical input (e.g. Marketing and Sales collaboration meeting)(2) External scientific support, training and education1)The MSL provides additional external scientific support, training & education not covered by other primary activities3. Qualifications1)Medical Master degree or above in CV2)Experience as an cardiologist is strongly preferred3)Experience in multinational company is preferred4)Ability to dissect and disseminate complex scientific data and information5)Excellent communication skill and team work spirit6)Skilled in presentation7)Willing to travel frequently8)Good command of English, both oral and written9)Publication skills: academic / scientific writing experience either through educational background and / or job experience10)Experience in post-marketing trial or clinical trial will be a plus 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药 关键字: MSL, Medical Science Liaison,




拜耳医药保健是拜耳集团的子集团,是世界十大医药企业之一,也是医药保健及医疗产品行业世界领先的创新企业之一,全球拥有员工53100人,总部位于德国的勒沃库森。拜耳医药保健致力于研究开发、生产和销售用于预防、诊断和治疗疾病的原研产品。2008年,拜耳医药保健全球销售额达154.07亿欧元,其中研发经费为17.42亿欧元,占拜耳集团总研发投入的66%。 拜耳医药保健和中国的渊源可以追溯到20世纪初期。早在1936年,拜耳就在中国成立第一个生产公司-拜耳医药公司,生产一系列产品。目前,拜耳医药保健有限公司在中国拥有员工约4000人,总部位于北京。在北京、广州、成都、江苏设有工厂,致力于拜耳先灵医药、保健消费品、糖尿病保健及动物保健四大业务。其中,拜耳先灵医药是拜耳医药保健有限公司下属最大业务部门,是拜耳医药保健的处方药部和先灵(广州)药业有限公司合并而成,业务遍及70多个城市,产品线覆盖普药业务、女性健康、特殊治疗以及影像诊断四个领域。2008年7月,拜耳医药保健的保健消费品部收购了东盛盖天力西药非处方药业务。 2008年,拜耳医药保健完成了投资达2.2亿余元人民币的北京生产厂的扩建。 北京工厂新建的生产线将采用目前中国乃至亚洲地区最为先进的设备,产能是以前的4倍。除了硬件系统投资,拜耳医药保健北京工厂还引入先进的软件管理系统,包括全自动称重系统、物流管理系统等将使得药品的品质更上一层楼。 拜耳医药保健有限公司在中国的发展蒸蒸日上。 在业务发展的同时,拜耳医药保健始终不忘社会责任,积极与社会各方面进行深入合作。2008年11月,与中国就业促进会合作开展了“农业富余劳动力健康安全转移就业培训项目”,计划在3年内对3万名农业富余劳动力免费提供健康安全转移就业培训。尽管目前处在全球经济困难期,我们仍将继续关注那些需要帮助的社会弱势人群。 为促进并提高中西部地区县级医院的整体医疗服务技术水平,2008年拜耳医药保健和卫生部合作的“走进西部”万名县级医院医师培训项目成功开展。目前已在甘肃、青海、宁夏、云南四省进行了6期培训工作,已有363人参加了培训。2009年“走进西部”项目还将延伸到江西、广西、陕西、贵州、新疆等五个省份,共计划培训1122名医生。 2009年初,拜耳医药保健新的研发中心将在北京落户,成为其全球架构中的第四大研发中心。这一举措不仅表明了我们在中国长期发展的决心和信心,并为拜耳医药保健成为亚洲制药领域的领导者提供坚实基础。
