上海相关职位: DM数据管理经理 CMC Director 营养师 注册专员 药品检验员(QC) (职位编号:002) 销售代表/医疗销售/飞利浦超声销售/销售顾问 制剂研究员 (职位编号:001) 装修工程师-ICU、手术室装修设计 招标工程师 APAC Innovation Trainee (职位编号:50373196)
周边城市招聘: 上海 浙江 安徽 广东 山东 河北 重庆 北京 江苏 湖南
企业入驻日期: 2017-11-09
职位描述: KEY ACCOUNTABILITIESThe Statistician develops or assists in the development of protocol designs, data analysis and reporting, and regulatory submission in collaboration with internal clinical study team and external stakeholders including business partners, CROs. Statistician may need to do statistical programming work if required.The Statistician is accountable to:?Operate in collaboration with study personnel to provide input to study protocol, perform sample size calculation, develop randomization schedule, write/review Reporting Analysis Plan, and write/review Statistical Analysis Report?Participate in peer-review of work products from other statistical colleagues.?Oversee the process and quality of statistical work contracted out to a CRO or research collaborator?Collaborate with data management in the planning and implementation of data quality assurance plans.?Perform statistical programming to validate the results produced by CRO or to meet internal need of data analysis (e.g. for publication, or for optimizing assumptions for study design).Complexity:?Knowledge of relevant aspects of therapeutic areas, especially knowledge of oncology and immunology?Knowledge of RECISTSpecialised Knowledge:?Knowledge of statistical theories and application?Knowledge of CDISC?Knowledge of statistical tools such as SAS, nQuery, PASS, EastMinimum Requirements:?Educated to at least master level in Statistics, Math or equivalent field of study?At least 2-3 years’ experience in pharmaceutical company or Clinical Research Organization (CRO) as a biostatistician or programmer?At least 1 year experience in the SAS programming?Positive working attitudePreferred Requirements:?Working experience in oncology projects?Self-management skills with a focus on deliverables 职能类别: 临床数据分析员 临床研究员
和记黄埔医药(上海)有限公司(和记黄埔医药)是一家由香港和记黄埔有限公司(和黄)全资投资的医药研发企业。和黄成立于十九世纪,是香港著名的跨国公司,现已成为全球500强企业之一。 和记黄埔医药2002年9月成立,位于上海张江高科技园区,公司致力于为全球市场开发创新药物。和记黄埔医药拥有一套完整的药物研发体系和一流的研发平台。公司的高级管理层主要来自美国的世界知名医药及生物科技公司,拥有丰富的新药研发管理经验。在短短几年中,公司在癌症和自身免疫性疾病领域,开发了多个临床前和进入临床研究阶段的创新药物。公司现有两个创新药物在美国、欧洲和澳大利亚进行临床实验,同时还有多个项目正在中国处于临床前及临床开发阶段。 和记黄埔医药通过将世界一流的研发经验、技术平台与中国的资源相结合, 开发出高质量的临床候选药物,并将新药项目快速推入早期临床开发。和记黄埔医药通过多种研发途径来达到最优的产出,包括来自合成小分子化合物、半合成天然产物以及植物药的创新药物。成立至今,和记黄埔医药已与世界知名医药公司在多种疾病领域内建立了广泛的战略合作。 和记黄埔医药为员工提供有竞争力的薪资福利、以人为本的工作环境和良好的职业发展机会。我们期待敢于挑战的优秀人才加入我们的团队。
上海相关职位: DM数据管理经理 CMC Director 营养师 注册专员 药品检验员(QC) (职位编号:002) 销售代表/医疗销售/飞利浦超声销售/销售顾问 制剂研究员 (职位编号:001) 装修工程师-ICU、手术室装修设计 招标工程师 APAC Innovation Trainee (职位编号:50373196)
周边城市招聘: 上海 浙江 安徽 广东 山东 河北 重庆 北京 江苏 湖南
企业入驻日期: 2017-11-09