• 3-4年经验
  • 本科
  • 招1人
  • 11-09 发布
  • 五险一金
  • 弹性工作
  • 定期体检


职位描述: Tasks & responsibilities?As IT Quality & Compliance specialist you are responsible for the quality of IT processes and IT compliance with legal and regulatory requirements on a global, regional and local level.?You ensure that the relevant validation or qualification deliverables are compliant and in place for the IT GxP Systems.?Furthermore you ensure the awareness, training and communication of IT Quality & Compliance (IT Q&C) relevant topics to the IT personnel.?You coordinate corporate IT related external and internal audits and inspections.?Moreover you perform IT relevant internal quality assessments according to plan.?The continuous improvement of the corporate IT Quality Management System based on legal regulations and quality targets is one of your job tasks.?You are responsible for the quality oversight of external IT infrastructure service provider.Requirements?Bachelor’s or master’s-/diploma degree in a scientific discipline, economics or IT?Extensive knowledge of the regulated environment, like GxP, audits, and Information Technology?3 years or more experience with quality management systems, like GAMP, and IT standards like ITIL?Work experience in global business environment?Fluent in English and Chinese with good communications skills?Willingness to travel abroad工作地点: 上海静安区南京西路1601号越洋国际广场注:该职位将外派至上海一家德企医药公司,是世界上最大的私有制药企业。在国内拥有3千多名员工。该职位的直属上司为外国人,所以要求英语口语精通。在制药公司有相关工作经验者,优先考虑. 职能类别: 其他




作为智慧城市与产业互联网建设的领导者,创新型技术服务提供商。软通动力立足中国,服务全球。公司主营业务涵盖智慧业务与信息服务两大领域,具备端到端“软件 服务”综合业务能力和强大的纵深服务优势。 在智慧业务领域,软通动力秉承“智慧城市建设产业先行”的理念,先后在全国20余个城市展开了“智慧城市”战略布局,业务范围包括顶层设计、城市治理、产业应用、环保节能、民生服务以及基础设施等多个方向 过去,软通动力深刻理解客户需求,是企业盈利和成长的***合作伙伴;今天,软通动力充分把握时代的机遇与挑战,借助云计算、移动互联、大数据等新兴技术手段,推动传统产业转型升级,助力产城融合;未来,软通动力将不懈努力,以创新思维和领先技术,为客户创造可持续的价值。 软通动力于2001年创立,全球总部设于北京,在全球设有38个分支机构,28个交付中心。员工总数超过21000人,服务数百家中国及海外客户。 资质认证 iso9001:2008 iso27001:2005 高新技术企业
