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职位描述: Company: www.zwhrconsulting.comTitle: Researcher- Pharmaceutical Discovery Biology & CMC& IVDCareer Path: R-AC-C-Sr. C-MC-Practice LeaderExpected on Board Date: by December 2016Responsibility:1.Pharmaceutical Industry Knowledge Learning;2.Recruitment process Learning;3.Searching & Mapping Biology& CMC&IVD China& US candidates;4.Being clear with all the target companies’ O-chart and departments;5.Fulfill cases;6.Learn to deal cases individually;7.Analyzing position & confirming target company & candidates;8.Searching candidates/ Recommendation/ Interview arrangement;9.Offer negotiation and confirmation/ Resign assistant;10.Build up own network in the industry.11.Attend Industry Conference and Social Event;Requirement:1.At least Bachelor Degree; Biology education background is a plus;2.Self-motivated;3.Good communication skills;4.Fluent in English;5.Strong delivery and Self-management ability; Smart and diligent;6.High enthusiasm in headhunting field and ambitious to get a name card in this industry.What you can get from ZWHR’s Pharma Team:1.Best Clients: Novartis/Bayer/Eli Lilly/AZ/JNJ/Boston Scientific/WuxiApptec;2.Best Data Base: Name list/Searching List/Connection/CV Got (Team Sharing Store);3.Best Commission Rules in the Market;4.Best Sharing Spirit team.Team Spirits:1.Sharing2.Help each other3.Honest & Straightforward;4.Hard Working & Smart Working 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药 猎头/人才中介 关键字: 生物制药 制药研发 猎头顾问 医药行业




ZW HR Consulting Co Ltd ZW HR Consulting is an executive search firm founded in Singapore. The company was formed from a merger between Brilliant City Pte Ltd (Singapore) and GEN Enterprise Management Consulting Co Ltd (China). ZW HR Consulting(China) is headquartered in Shanghai. Our branch offices in China are currently located in Beijing, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Ningbo, Hangzhou, Suzhou and Tianjin. ZW HR Consulting is the member of InterSearch Worldwide in China. We adopt a client-centric approach and we aim to be the best executive recruitment specialist in mainland China. ZW HR Consulting仲望企业管理咨询有限公司来自新加坡,由新加坡的Brilliant City和上海泽恩企业管理咨询有限公司合并而成。仲望咨询中国总部设在上海,在北京、深圳、成都、杭州、宁波、苏州、天津设立了分支机构。作为Intersearch中国区成员,仲望管理咨询秉承客户至上原则,立志于成为中国最优秀的人力资源服务商。 仲望咨询的服务机构遍布中国主要城市,深入理解各地区域文化差异和市场特征,为客户提供精准的招募服务。 我们的顾问专注于生命科学、信息技术及通讯、制造、消费品、金融、房地产、专业服务和通用职位八大领域。精细的行业分工,使得我们对每个职位的搜索和招聘工作都有深入的洞察。 优秀的人才是企业成功的关键。仲望咨询为客户提供从专业技术人才到高级管理人才的搜索、甄选和推荐服务。我们对各个行业进行深入的分析和研究,拥有不同行业的人才寻访和甄选的专家团队,按照客户需求量身定制人才寻访与甄选方案,帮助客户找到实现企业战略目标的关键人才
