11-14 发布
- 五险一金
- 补充医疗保险
- 年终奖金
- 定期体检
职位描述: Administration and secretarial supports (e.g. Reporting & statistics, Meeting arrangement, business trip or events arrangement & coordination, internal voucher processing follow up)Responsibilities:?Transmit messages, make meeting arrangements, appointment, receive visitors.?Organize travel arrangements and accommodations for process/sub-process owners and the staffs, planning and coordinating visitor’s programs?Maintain patent of company globally?Maintain public document holder for the team members.?Support the preparation of documentation, incl. typing correspondence, presentation materials, statistics, reports, meeting minutes etc.?Perform any other duties and responsibilities which may be assigned on basis by the process ownerQualifications:- Bachelor degree- Good verbal and written communication skill in English- Experienced with international employers and customers and capabilities to operate in multicultural.- 1 years relevant working experience- Good experience with Microsoft Office and related software- Proactive and goal orientated- Strong English documentation skills; Strong personality to present point of view.- Distinct and sharp mind, strong logic and analysis, excellent oral and written ability, smooth communication. Strong ownership, detailed working attitude, self-working motivation, be able to manage working pressure. Work across functions, collaboration. 职能类别: 其他 关键字: 机械 研发助理 医疗
Sol-Millennium是一家专注于一次性医疗器械研发,制造与市场销售的跨国公司。公司总部位于上海浦东,并在美国亚特兰大,波兰华沙以及巴西圣保罗设有分公司,分别负责亚太,北美,南美以及欧洲的市场拓展,销售与客户服务。Sol-Millennium目前在全球已拥有100多项相关产品的专利技术,为近50个国家的护士与病患提供我们的优质的产品与服务。 Sol-Millennium致力于为我们的客户提供高品质,与众不同的设计的产品,以及本地化的临床销售与便捷物流服务,同时我们也致力于与我们的客户一道,通过持续研发改进,为我们的客户提供更多优质的产品,以进一步满足客户的需求。
政府事务专员 5.5-6千/月
医学信息沟通专员 4.5-6千/月
力学工程师(生物力学) 1.5-2万/月
产品专员 6-8千/月
总裁助理 0.8-1万/月
销售总监 15-20万/年
招投标工程师 6-8千/月
销售经理 0.8-1万/月
医药销售代表 3-6千/月
药房营业员/药师/执业药师/店长(包住) 3-8千/月
销售助理 4.5-6千/月
上海子公司实习生 120元/天
顶尖药企招聘医学部讲者评级师 6-8千/月