• 5-7年经验
  • 本科
  • 招1人
  • 11-14 发布


职位描述: Job Summary职位概述:The job holder ensures that process, manufacturing equipment are serviced and in top working condition to avoid breakdowns and delays. Lead maintenance team ensures all the manufacturing equipment are well maintained and run smoothly. The manufacturing equipment includes: compounding system, weighing system, cleaning and sanitizing system, automatic reagent filling, label & carton printing, assembly & packaging equipment and compounding & filling lines inside of Class 10k and Class 100k Clean-rooms.Main Tasks & Responsibilities主要工作职责 :1.Ensure all the maintenance activities are in compliance including safety and quality and efficiency.2.Establish new and/or transfer existing DOM (Diagnostics Operations Mannheim) Technical requirements and SOPs to fit Asia Manufacturing (AM) needs and ensures that these requirements are defined for the M&R team.3.Lead the team to follow and improve the Roche maintenance procedures, ensure high quality preventative /corrective maintenance orders execution. Execute the schedule of preventive maintenance service for manufacturing equipment including coordination with other technicians and equipment owners.4.Ensure good record of the maintenance activities in the SAP system. Collect and analysis data to find improvement opportunities. Continue improve the OEE performance of the process equipment.5.Minimize unscheduled downtime, find root cause for the failures and continuous improve with proper lean methods.6.Managing the day- to- day activities of the electrical and mechanical maintenance team.7.Support the team during production where required e.g. coordination of the product/batch changeovers and drive the SMED methodology.8.Grow and lead the team of technicians, to achieve the team targets.9.Develop and coach the technicians.10.Closely work with project team members, defining best practices in spare-parts inventory management and maintenance execution, including acceptance testing at equipment supplier sites in Asia and Europe.11.Maintain the high standard management of spare parts, maintenance workshop, maintenance tools etc.12.Other ad hoc tasksEducation教育背景College education background, major in mechanical and electrical engineeringPreferred : Bachelor or above education backgroundQualification & Certification 资质证书Electrician certificatePreferred :Senior electrician/Fitter certificateExperience工作经验:1.> 6 years working experience in a high regulated manufacturing site2.Equipment management experience3.Line manager experience4.Familiar with problem solving methods, fish bone analysis for maintenance and repair5.Experience in SAP PM Module6.Basic SHE ergonomics conceptPreferred :1.Working experience in compounding, filling or packaging areas2.New production equipment Q&V experience will be a plus3.Strong Automation background (GAMP5)4.Project management skill is a plusProfessional Competencies 专业能力:1.Leadership and team management skill2.Familiar with mechanical and electrical principles3.Ability to convey concepts and report to different management levels and across functions within the organization/project4.Technical Expertise and be able to understand English technicaldocumentsPreferred :1.A “can-do” attitude and willingness to go the extra mile when required2.Basic Siemens PLC programming and diagnosis on I/O capability3.Vision system operating and maintenance knowledge 职能类别: 医疗器械生产/质量管理 关键字: 生产设备 主管




作为体外诊断的全球市场领导者,罗氏诊断的市场领导地位已遍及中国和亚太区。罗氏诊断在亚太区的发展已有40年的历史,员工超过4,000人,遍及该地区的15个国家。罗氏诊断致力于为全球的实验室和医院提供创新型检测和技术,从而帮助医疗专业人士为患者做出正确的医疗决策,让医疗支付者对可持续性医疗的未来投资正确的解决方案,最重要的是帮助人们提升自我健康管理能力,改善生活质量。 罗氏诊断计划在未来三年投资4.5亿瑞士法郎(约25亿人民币)在苏州工业园区建立一个新的诊断生产基地。新的生产基地将解决中国以及亚太地区对于诊断检测持续增长的需求。产品主要包括免疫和生化的检测产品。该生产基地计划至2018年内招聘超过400名员工。 苏州生产基地将是罗氏诊断全球第八大生产基地,也是亚太地区首个生产基地。到2018年,基地将全面投入运营。 罗氏诊断首席运营官: 罗兰·迪格曼 “能够在中国将罗氏诊断价值链扩展至生产环节令我们倍感振奋,罗氏致力于在中国和亚太区进行投资。新的生产基地将帮助我们更好地满足对于诊断产品日益上升的需求,并确保我们继续为中国和亚太地区人们的健康做出贡献。” 在工厂筹备的过程中,一个非常重要的目标就是吸引优秀人才、保证技术传递。更重要的是,在工厂全面投产后,我们需要一支成熟的团队来保证工厂能够在将来可持续发展。这对于个人发展而言,将是一个令人兴奋而富有挑战的机会。我们正在寻找具备相关经验和才能的你加入我们的团队,希望你愿意学习新的知识、能在国际化的环境中工作、并且很好的融入多元化的组织架构中。 每位员工都能够获得多样化的培训课程和不同的发展机会,而不仅限于海外培训、领导力发展计划等。 我们希望给员工创造最好的工作环境。欢迎你加入我们,让我们共同开启这个新的旅程,塑造新未来。
