• 2年经验
  • 大专
  • 招若干人
  • 11-09 发布
  • 周末双休
  • 带薪年假
  • 五险一金
  • 绩效奖金
  • 节日福利
  • 专业培训


职位描述: 岗位描述:1、向客户宣传介绍公司的产品和服务,销售公司的产品,扩大公司产品的市场份额;2、新客户的开发、老客户的维护,以及客户潜在及延展性需求的实现;3、负责皖南地区各医院科室共建项目推广。工作地点为皖南区域,皖南区域居住人员优先考虑。任职资格:1、有至少一年的医疗行业销售经验,接受短期出差;2、较强的谈判、沟通能力,良好的人际关系基础或良好的客户群体关系;3、具备专业操守,积极的工作和学习心态;4、能够自我激励,有团队合作精神,待遇:福利:双休、享受国家法定节假日;满一年享受带薪年假及体检、旅游; 职能类别: 销售代表 医疗器械销售代表 关键字: 医疗器械 销售经理 销售代表 销售 项目




安徽特维克生物医疗科技有限公司成立于2011年,注册资金1000万元,员工20余人,是安徽省合肥市一家专业做生物医疗科技经营推广的公司。成立至今由合肥发展到安徽全省,并延伸至北京等区域的销售与合作,拥有良好的医院合作网络体系。公司以年轻化的人才构成为依托,以先进的产品、精良的设备为基础实现公司不断发展,赢得用户的广泛赞誉。公司主要为医学、临床、检验事业提供优质先进的医用耗材、医疗设备,体外诊断试剂等长期技术服务,为广大客户以及伤病患者提供医疗保障。公司以融合技术创新与优秀营销团队的双轨推广模式,实现客户——产品——生产厂家的双向对接,保证行业间长期合作交流的同时,不断开拓新项目、新领域,开创新的发展未来。 SCALE Anhui Vic Biomedical Technology Co.(LTD),a company incorporated in Anhui,Hefei in 2011.The registered capital is 1 million,more than 20employees. DEVELOPMENT The company Mainly engaged in the marketing promotion of biomedical technology, Since its establishment by the development of hefei in anhui province, and extends to the Beijing areas such as sales and cooperation, have a good hospital network system. STRENGTHS Company, which is based on of young talent, with advanced products, sophisticated equipment on the basis of company development, won widespread praise users. PRUDUCTS Company mainly provide for the customer in the high quality for medical, clinical, testing career advanced medical supplies, medical equipment, in vitro diagnostic reagents and other technical services for a long time. And products used in hospital provides health care for injury patients and the general customers. COOPERATION Company with the integration of technology innovation and excellent marketing team dual-track promotion mode, realize two-way link of customers —— products—— manufacturers, to ensure long-term cooperation and communication between industry at the same time, constantly open up a new field, new projects, start a new development in the future.
