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职位描述: 主要职责1、根据公司指标规划所管辖区域,完成销售任务;2、充分了解所管辖区域,搜集并保护客户信息;3、积极拜访客户,理解客户需求,多与客户互动;增加新客源,管理及维护老客户;4、提供客户服务,解决售前、售后客户疑问;5、及时完成公司规定的各项报告及报表;6、及时妥善完成回款工作;7、完成公司安排的其他工作事项。任职资格1、本科及以上学历,主修生物学,医学或药学及相关专业;2、工作积极,条理清晰,主次分明,以目标为重点;3、较强的人际沟通技巧,有前瞻性及执行能力,高度的责任心,有亲和力及团队合作精神。Primary Responsibilities- According to company sales target, achieves individual sales goals.- Sales territory management. Collect and protect customer information.- Customer visiting. Understand customer requirements and interact with customers, grow new clients as well as manage and retain the current customers.- Provide support in troubleshooting and resolving customer issues and concerns.- Complete the sales report and statement timely.- Collect accounts receivable within a relatively short time period.- Other tasks arranged by company.Education, Qualifications and Skills- Undergraduate degree or above majored in biology, medicine and pharmacy or other related subjects.Capability and Competence- Positive attitude to multi-task, prioritize and goal-focused, strong interpersonal communication skills, proactive and strong execution capability, high sense of responsibility, amiable character with good teamwork spirit. 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药 销售工程师 关键字: 销售 销售工程师 区域销售 试剂销售 生物试剂 生物销售 生化试剂销售




Selleck总公司Selleck Chemicals LLC 2006年成立于美国德克萨斯州休斯敦,作为集研发、生产、销售于一体的全球领先的抑制剂公司,Selleck一直专注于生命科学领域高端试剂的开发与研究,为客户提供用于药物研发的高品质生命科学试剂,产品包括小分子激酶抑制剂,天然产物,及专业的高通量筛选抑制剂分子库等。目前Selleck在中国、欧洲、日本均设有分部,通过在中国、欧洲和美国的仓库辐射全球整个市场。 凭借在生命科学领域的多年研究经验,Selleck与多达3万多个客户建立了长期稳定的合作关系,其中包括世界各大制药公司,生物科技公司,医院,世界著名高校和研究所等,是全球第二大抑制剂供应商。截至目前,使用Selleck产品,影响因子大于10分的文献多达397篇;在Nature、Science和Cell上面发表的学术期刊文献已达57篇! Selleck注重引进和培养专业人才,拥有一批充满朝气、训练有素的年轻队伍,目前中国区员工达两百多人。公司经过长期的发展,业务拓展迅速,特诚聘专业素质高,工作责任心强,有团队合作精神的优秀人才加盟。 Selleck Chemicals LLC is one of the world's leading suppliers of biochemical products and services. Selleck Chemicals LLC provides comprehensive and ongoing Inhibitors and modulators for multiple cell signaling pathways including MAPK, PI3K/Akt/mTOR, Apoptosis, Angiogenesis, and JAK/STAT, among others. Currently, we have over 3,000 inhibitor products available and this list continues to expand. In addition, we also provide a variety of screening libraries for High Throughput Screening and High Content Screening to advance drug discovery and systems biology research. All the inhibitors are well classified, so you can directly choose inhibitors according to signaling pathways or research areas listed in our company website. 公司网站: http://www.selleckchem.com http://www.selleck.cn
