11-16 发布
职位描述: The Swiss-based family owned company Bühler is a global, industrial solution provider for processing foods and for manufacturing advanced materials, contributing to food security and high energy efficiency. Around 65% of the worldwide harvested grain is processed on Bühler mills, around 50% of all car taillamps or headlamps are getting metallized on Bühler machines. Every day, billions of people come into contact with Bühler technologies to cover their basic needs for foods, mobility, or communication.布勒中国是在粮食加工、食品加工以及先进材料领域为您提供生产设备、全套解决方案和服务的可信赖的合作伙伴。布勒集团自八十年代初进入中国市场,无锡是其在中国及亚太市场的区域总部。Duties完成面粉及小麦各项检测任务;完成实验室CNAS体系文件及在CNAS中担任的职责;在能力范围内,支持其他部门,完成实验任务Qualifications大专学历及以上,食品科学与工程,化学工程毕业;两年以上食品相关理化检测工作经验,有面粉检验者优先; 能用英语交流和写作; 较好地掌握MS Office软件;耐心,细心,具有团队合作精神待遇与关怀国际化,行业领先并可持续发展跨行业与充满有趣挑战的现代化商业环境专业化的工作环境,开诚布公的企业文化令人振奋的培训与发展机会卓越、有活力的工作氛围若您确认您所提供的简历中的个人信息属实,并且您希望加入一个成功的团队,我们非常期待您的应聘申请!接下来看你的!联系Ms. ShiRecruitment & Staffing, Buhler Group ChinaBüHLER Group ChinaNo. 71, Xuedian Beilu, Wuxi New DistrictWuxi, Jiangsu, P.R. China T +86 510 8528 2888www.buhlergroup.com 职能类别: 化学分析测试员
Every day, billions of people use Bühler technologies and solutions to satisfy their basic needs for food, mobility, or communication.The company holds globally leading market positions in technologies and methods for processing grain into flour and feed, as well as for the production of pasta and chocolate, in die casting, wet grinding and surface coating. The company's core technologies are in the areas of mechanical and thermal process engineering.In 2016, its roughly 10,500 employees in over 140 countries generated a turnover of CHF 2.5 billion.Welcome to Buhler Career Page: http://www.buhlergroup.com/global/en/about-buehler/career/jobs-worldwide.htm#.Vl5i3c-qqko每天,数以亿计的人们都在享用布勒技术,以满足自己在食品、移动设备或通讯方面的日常所需。公司在谷物制粉和饲料、意大利面和巧克力生产、高压铸造、湿研磨以及表面涂层的技术和加工工艺上拥有全球领先的市场地位。公司的核心技术是机械加工和热处理工艺。布勒公司的业务遍及 140 多个国家,在全球拥有 10,800 名员工,2016 年,布勒集团销售额达到 25 亿瑞士法郎。布勒中国依托国际化的背景,高度关注员工的发展。每位员工都有机会接受海内外的各种培训,参与各种形式的国际合作项目,接触各种先进技术,以提高员工个人的竞争力和实现其个人的事业发展计划。公司网址:www.buhlergroup.com公司地址:江苏省无锡国家高新技术产业开发区薛典路71号应聘者请访问布勒集团工作机会网页并申请职位:http://www.buhlergroup.com/global/en/about-buehler/career/jobs-worldwide.htm#.Vl5i3c-qqko