11-16 发布
- 五险一金
- 餐饮补贴
- 弹性工作
- 定期体检
- 通讯补贴
- 补充医疗保险
- 补充公积金
- 绩效奖金
- 年终奖金
- 交通补贴
职位描述: PART I - POSITION SUMMARY 职位概要The Clinical Specialist is responsible for driving and optimizing application training of defined product line, which includes: onsite application training; presentation in training course; collaboration research and consultation to Arrow product users if needed.The Clinical Specialist is also responsible for identifying the KOL of Vascular Access area in China and establishing the relationship with those target KOLs.The Clinical Specialist needs to cooperate with relevant parties such as sales team, business management team, regulation team by internal training, market information collecting and analysis, supporting registration etc.PART II - PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES 主要职责1. Must know well about company Vascular Access product knowledge by company training program and training material. Understand well about our product application and target market.2. Communicate with hospitals by daily base.3. Develop and implement series of training programs and training courses with Vascular Access Products for target hospitals in line with company’s Vascular Access Business Strategy.4. Conduct product training courses or workshops for target hospitals, distributor sales team as well as internal sales team, with high academic quality and customer attractiveness.5. Identify the KOLs of Vascular Access area in China. Establish and develop the relationship with target KOLs in China.6. Collaborate with customers on company accreditation programs.7. Support marketing activities such as marketing information collecting and analysis; competitors information collecting; congress and meeting.8. Support regulation team with registration affairs if needed.9. Support tender team to collect tender related information from market.10. Other activities or responsibilities which Product Specialist needed related to the business.PART III – QUALIFICATIONS 资格要求EDUCATION 教育程度University level or degree in clinical specialty, medical education degree above bachelorEXPERIENCE 工作经验3-5 years working experienceOTHER QUALIFICATIONS (Physical, Visual etc.) 其他要求Good written and oral communication skills, effective team leadership and group presentation skillsEffective analytical and problem solving skills along with planning and time management are requiredFair capability in both spoken and written EnglishGood command of MS office software applicationUnderstand medical device regulation and tender. 职能类别: 医疗器械市场推广 产品/品牌专员 关键字: 医疗器械 耗材 美资 外企 外资 跨国公司 临床教育 重症监护产品
美国泰利福: 成立于1943年的美国泰利福是一家在重症监护和外科领域处于领先地位的跨国企业, 全球有超过11000名员工,年销售额为17亿美金。 泰利福为全球150多个国家的医疗机构提供高品质多种类的产品组合, 目前共有血管通路Vascular Access、外科Surgical、泌尿Urology、心脏辅助CA、麻醉呼吸Anesthesia & Respiratory、专业产品OEM和其他产品六条产品线。我们在全球25个国家建立销售公司和生产基地,并且在美国、马来西亚、捷克和德国建有研发中心。 泰利福中国: 泰利福在中国的业务已超过20年之久: 90年代初,泰利福以Pilling 品牌进入中国市场; 1996年,泰利福就在北京设立了代表处,开始进入中国市场; 2007年,我们在上海成立了第一家独资企业-泰利福医疗器械商贸(上海)有限公司,标志着泰利福中国进入另一个里程碑发展阶段。 长久以来, 泰利福一直致力于在血管通路Vascular Access、外科Surgical、泌尿Urology、心脏辅助CA、麻醉呼吸Anesthesia & Respiratory和专业产品OEM和其他产品领域向中国的客户提供安全可靠的医疗耗材产品。 我们的一些知名的品牌包括Arrow、 Deknatel、 Hudson RCI、 KMedic、 Pilling、 Pleur-Evac、 Rusch、 TAUT 和Weck。 随着公司在中国的业务扩大,我们期待更多的专业人士加入我们的团队。 愿景: 成为一次性重症监护产品及外科产品领域的国际领先公司 使命: 通过提供微创、降低感染及高安全性的产品改善临床疗效 了解更多信息,敬请关注泰利福官方网站(英文网站) www.teleflexmedical.com 或 泰利福中国专属招聘门户网站(中文网站) teleflex.zhiye.com Teleflex Incorporated: Founded in 1943, Teleflex is a global provider of medical devices used in critical care and surgery, with sales revenue of 1.7 billion USD. We have more than 11,000 employees worldwide. We serve healthcare providers in more than 150 countries with specialty devices for Vascular Access, Surgical, Urology, CA, Anesthesia & Respiratory、OEM and others. We have sales operations & manufacture in 25 countries, and set up R&D Centers in U.S., Malaysia, Czech Republic and Germany. Teleflex China: Teleflex China also has a reputation for excellence that spans over 20 years in China. Back to 1996, we founded our first representative office in Beijing. In 2007, we founded our WOFE, Teleflex Medical Trading Shanghai Company Limited in Shanghai, a milestone in the development of Teleflex business in China. For years, we provide disposable medical consumables in surgical, critical care, CA, Anesthesia and Respiratory, and Urology to our Chinese customers. As our business is growing tremendously in China market, now we are looking for more professionals to join us. Vision Statement Create a world leader in disposable medical products for critical care and surgical applications. Mission Statement To enhance patient outcomes by providing products that are less invasive, reduce infections, and improve patient safety. For more information, please visit our website: www.teleflexmedical.com and our recruitment portal: teleflex.zhiye.com
产品经理 6-8千/月
医疗器械验证员 3-4.5千/月
医疗器械注册 0.5-1万/月
销售代表 6-8千/月
驻点技术员 3-4.5千/月
引物合成技术支持 5-7千/月
财务会计专员 3.5-6千/月
产品技术支持(分子生物学方向8000-15000) 0.8-1.5万/月
生物实验技术员(综合5000+) 4.5-6千/月
生物实验技术员(综合5000+) 4.5-6千/月
分子克隆技术支持 0.8-1万/月
基因测序数据分析员 4.5-6千/月
生物试剂销售代表 1-1.5万/月
生物实验技术员(综合5000+) 4.5-6千/月
DNA合成实验员(大兴亦庄) 4-8千/月