11-22 发布
- 五险一金
- 定期体检
- 员工旅游
- 股票期权
- 出国机会
- 专业培训
- 年终奖金
职位描述: Responsibility:Lead the company’s technology development or assay development teams to deliver clinical standard LDT/IVD productsWork with academia and industrial collaborators to develop new technologies to handle difficult medical specimensQualification guidelines:5-8 years experience in the field of technology and/or commercial product development is required with sound foundation in genomics and next-gen sequencingHands-on experience on generating NGS data (e.g. sample collection, DNA extraction, library preparation, enrichment, basic informatics such as aligning reads and calling variants using standard tools), and hand-on experience on handling clinical samples (e.g. blood, body fluids, primary human tissues, etc.) highly preferredStrong understanding in molecular biology, clinical genetics, cancer biology and clinical oncologyA true entrepreneur and independent project leader, critical and innovative thinkerGood communicator (in both English and Chinese)Willing to relocate to China within the next yearCompensation:Industrial standard salaryCompany stock options as a founding memberLiving compensation in China and travel compensation back to the US if needed 职能类别: 技术总监/经理 医疗器械研发
基准医疗 广州市基准医疗有限责任公司致力于打造国际一流的高通量测序临床应用和研发平台,成为国际领先的精准医疗整体方案提供者。公司核心团队来自美国***测序平台生产商 Illumina公司和哈佛医学院,拥有20余年资深业界经验,涉足癌症基因组学、遗传学和生物信息学等领域。 公司立足核心技术优势,面向精准医学,与行业上中下游企事业单位建立合作关系,形成从学术研究到临床产品转化的完整产业链,并已与包括Illumina、中国大型第三方临检机构,以及国内外知名医院及科研机构建立合作关系,开发一系列具有自主知识产权和国际竞争力的临床检验产品,为患者、医生和医疗机构提供准确、便捷、全面的服务。
微生物检验员 4.5-6千/月
医疗3D打印销售总监 0.8-1万/月
项目专员 5-7千/月
化验员 (职位编号:05) 6-8千/月
质量管理主管 6-8千/月
电工主管 6-8千/月
医疗器械销售 0.5-1万/月
生物工程师 4-8千/月
维修工程师 3-5千/月
医学专员/主管 6-8千/月
高级文员 标书制作员 4-5千/月
招标专员 6-8千/月