• 无工作经验
  • 招2人
  • 11-22 发布
  • 五险一金
  • 补充医疗保险
  • 交通补贴
  • 专业培训
  • 年终奖金
  • 定期体检


职位描述: Description:As an employee of Boehringer Ingelheim, you will actively contribute to the discovery, development and delivery of our products to our patients and customers. Our global presence provides opportunity for all employees to collaborate internationally, offering visibility and opportunity to directly contribute to the companies' success. We realize that our strength and competitive advantage lie with our people. We support our employees in a number of ways to foster a healthy working environment, meaningful work, diversity and inclusion, mobility, networking and work-life balance. Our competitive compensation and benefit programs reflect Boehringer Ingelheim's high regard for our employees. Duties & Responsibilities:-Conduct routine and complex microbial testing for raw materials, packaging materials, intermediates, bulk products and finished products, sampling and testing for purified water ,water for injection and environment monitoring etc. ensure to complete incoming analytical requests timely.-Conduct routine DNA residual testing for drug substance and drug product. ensure to complete incoming analytical requests timely.-Establish Testing Specifications for Raw Materials, Packaging Materials and finished product, and relevant SOPs/Forms according to given instructions, ensure to comply with GMP, regulatory and BI requirement.-Participate in new analytical method establishment, validation and transfer to ensure efficiency and compliance of analytical method.-Execute lab equipment qualification and maintenance, ensure to perform all tests smoothly.-Assist supervisor to finish quality evaluation of abnormal sample and problem solving with professional knowledge and experience.-Update SOP related to Product quality function according to business needs and regular review to ensure comply with GMP and BI global requirement.-Perform tests and evaluation for supplier qualification, tests and investigation for compliant samples and defected materials in production, handle deviation and OOS investigation.-Maintain and optimize the testing procedure including management of equipment, glassware, reagent etc to continues improve the productivity and cost saving with comply with requirement from SFDA and company.- Fulfill the other temporary task assigned by QC Supervisor.-Plan and conduct professional training programs for new staff in order to ensure skill of new staff can meet requirements.-To participate organization activities. Requirements:-Finish all tests correctly according to agreed timeline.-All documents are prepared timely and comply with GMP and BI requirement-Complete timely.-Efficiency of the method.-Compliance.-Activities are delivered according to approved schedule and without any impact to the routine testing.-Efficiency .-Regular SOP review completion timeliness.-Investigation close on time.-CAPA close on time CAPA.-Standardize of Testing Method.-Transparency of reagent management.-Task Times and effect .-Take mentor responsibility internally.-Training efficiency.-Provide positive idea numbers to support the improvement of organization performance. Desired Skills, Experience and Abilities:-At least 3 years in Quality Control and/or in a manufacturing environment within the Bio-pharmaceutical industry. Multinational pharmaceutical company experience is preferred.-Good knowledge of GMP.-Familiar with Ch.P, Ph. Eur and USP.-Good team player.-Good organizing and communication ability.-Sense of urgency, precision and reliability.-Willing to learn and open to new ideas, constructive thinking, initiative and proactive.-Be able to work under pressure.-Can create new idea or innovative method to multiple functions.-Good time management skill. Eligibility Requirements:-Bachelor or above. Majored in Microbiology, Biochemical, Pharmaceutical or related discipline. Our Culture:Innovative medicines for people and animals have for more than 130 years been what the research-driven pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim stands for. Boehringer Ingelheim is one of the pharmaceutical industry’s top 20 companies and to this day remains family-owned. Day by day, our employees create value through innovation for the three business areas human pharmaceuticals, animal health and biopharmaceutical contract manufacturing.Boehringer Ingelheim operates globally with approximately 50,000 employees. Since we are privately held, we have the ability to take an innovative, long-term view. Our focus is on scientific discoveries and the introduction of truly novel medicines that improve lives and provide valuable services and support to patients and their families. Employees are challenged to take initiative and achieve outstanding results. Ultimately, our culture and drive allows us to maintain one of the highest levels of excellence in our industry. 职能类别: 药品生产/质量管理




勃林格殷格翰中国第四年蝉联“中国杰出雇主”称号,点击连接查看详情 http://www.top-employers.com/companyprofiles/cn/boehringer-ingelheim/?languageCode=zh 勃林格殷格翰当选“理想雇主”百强 勃林格殷格翰当选“2015全球创新企业百强” 更多勃林格殷格翰职位,请点击此处。 https://tas-boehringer.taleo.net/careersection/global+template+career+section+28external29/jobsearch.ftl 勃林格殷格翰人力资源微信公众号: JoinBI 勃林格殷格翰中国: http://www.boehringer-ingelheim.com.cn/ 勃林格殷格翰全球:http://www.boehringer-ingelheim.com/ 公司介绍: 勃林格殷格翰中国 勃林格殷格翰公司创立于1885年,公司总部位于德国殷格翰,在全球拥有145家分支机构,超过47,500 多名员工,跻身全球前20位制药企业之列。百年来,公司一直致力于研发、制造及推广各种对人类和动物具有极高治疗价值的创新药品。公司重点关注六大治疗领域的药物开发:呼吸系统疾病、心血管及代谢疾病、肿瘤学、中枢神经系统疾病及免疫领域。 勃林格殷格翰于1994年正式进入中国市场,在华投资总额超过2亿欧元,公司管理总部位于上海,共拥有超过3000名员工。勃林格殷格翰中国是近年来发展迅速,包括处方药、消费者自主保健药品、动物保健、生物制药、生产运营和研发在内的6大业务板块并驾齐驱,协调发展,推动公司持续增长。 在勃林格殷格翰中国,企业对员工、患者、业务伙伴、社会的承诺和关怀体现在诸多方面,肩负社会责任是公司创立至今始终关注和追求的企业信条之一。2014-2017年,公司连续四年蝉联“中国杰出雇主”的认证。 踏实创新 驱动四大业务齐头并进 勃林格殷格翰的核心业务是处方药、自主保健品、动物保健和生物制药,业务范围遍及全国各主要省市和地区。其中,处方药领域的产品覆盖呼吸、心血管、中枢神经、代谢等重要治疗领域。公司的慢阻肺、高血压、卒中、帕金森病、糖尿病等治疗药物都为提高广大患者的生活质量做出了贡献。未来,公司还将扩充产品线至肿瘤、哮喘、特发性肺纤维化等领域;公司的消费者自主保健品业务拥有治咳、便秘治疗和解痉方面的优秀品牌,并积极寻求与本土企业的业务联盟和新产品业务机会。 世界一流的高质量药品生产是勃林格殷格翰的骄傲所在。2002年,公司位于上海张江高科技园区的工厂正式落成,标志着公司扎根中国的决心。2013年9月,公司再次投入近7000万欧元的张江工厂扩建和化学研发中心实验室新大楼新建项目竣工,扩建后的张江工厂将成为勃林格殷格翰全球运营网络中的一个具有竞争力的区域供应中心,不仅供应中国及日本市场,而且将扩展至东南亚市场的供应。 在动物保健领域,公司在中国上市的众多产品特别是在动物疫苗领域优势显著,其中猪疫苗系列产品稳居市场的领导者位置。2012年,位于上海张江的勃林格殷格翰亚洲动物保健研发中心启用,这是迄今为止跨国药企在国内成立的最大的综合性动保研发中心。在江苏泰州,公司与中国医药城合资在建的动物疫苗生产基地将成为亚洲领先的动物疫苗生产基地, 为中国及其它亚洲市场研发及生产高品质的猪疫苗和家禽疫苗。 作为世界上最大的生物制药生产商之一,勃林格殷格翰希望成为中国首个国际性的生物制药合同生产方案的提供者,致力于成为中国单克隆抗体和重组蛋白质合同开发和生产领域的领导者,并建立勃林格自有的生产创新药物和生物类似药物的平台,为客户提供从开发、临床服务到商业供应的全方位服务,从而支持中国生物技术产业的加速发展。公司与上海张江生物医药基地共同出资近五亿人民币打造的勃林格殷格翰中国生物制药基地,是跨过药企在华的首个运用哺乳动物细胞培养技术生产的生物制药基地。2016年1月,该生物药物生产基地,被选定为国内首批开展生物药物合同生产(CMO)的试点企业。 以人为本用心关注创造更多健康 用心关注,建立信赖,体现在公司对员工,对患者的积极关注和努力支持中。持续建立更深入的信赖关系,创造更多健康,是勃林格殷格翰中国始终不变的承诺。 在把更多更好的创新产品更早地带给中国的患者, 提高民众的健康水平和生活质量的同时,勃林格殷格翰一直在努力为中国医疗健康事业做出更大贡献,成为患者、医生、政府所信赖的重要业界合作伙伴之一。公司长期与社会各界合作,开展了多项针对缺血性卒中、慢阻肺、帕金森等疾病的患者关怀项目,助力中国健康教育事业的可及性和临床多学科诊疗的规范性。 在勃林格殷格翰,我们视员工为最大的财富。秉承“成长、卓越、信赖”的雇主价值主张,公司致力于为员工提供公平的工作环境,广阔的发展空间,系统的职业培训和完善的福利政策。为满足员工需求,帮助员工实现职业发展和家庭生活的平衡,公司与时俱进,推出了弹性福利计划及长期保障计划、弹性工作制和远程办公、丰富多彩的工会活动如快乐成长俱乐部、雏鹰计划等多样化、人性化的福利与活动。公司将继续尽可能地为员工创造发展平台,将公司打造成一个员工愿意尽其所能做出卓越贡献的工作场所,帮助每一位员工实现自己的人生梦想和价值,伴随勃林格殷格翰在中国进一步成长壮大。 我们的使命 致力于在提供创新且高质量的药物及健康解决方案方面与众不同,从而为提高人们的整体健康生活水平做出卓越的贡献。 我们的价值观 尊重 – 相信人人都能带来价值。 信任 – 永远言出必行 。 同理心 – 理解并关怀他人。 热情 – 凡事力争卓越。 我们的愿景:成为大中华区首屈一指的跨国制药企业。
