11-24 发布
- 弹性工作
职位描述: Responsibilities:1.To carry out data analysis & statistical modeling2.To help to do desktop research on benchmark3.To help to prepare project set upRequirements:1.University or above, majored in statistics or mathematics2.Self motivated3.Very strong communication skill4.Fluent English both in oral and written5.Sensitive to data, familiar with SAS modeling is a must6.3+ working days per week 职能类别: 临床数据分析员
Accentiv'(雅智捷)隶属于法国艾登瑞德集团,原雅高服务(Accor Services)。艾登瑞德集团于2010年7月成功在泛欧巴黎证券交易所挂牌上市(EDENREDAC - Euronext Paris)。作为全球著名的CRM领导者以及关系行销咨询与实施专家,Accentiv'(雅智捷)专注于为企业客户度身订制专业的CRM、忠诚度以及激励项目。我们致力于为企业客户构建忠诚度的桥梁,提供专业的关系行销咨询、设计、发展和管理一站式无忧服务。帮助建立企业客户与顾客、渠道以及员工之间健康有效的关系。我们相信良好的关系可以为企业创造更高价值,从而有效提升业绩。我们相信关系致远! Accentiv'(雅智捷)目前在全球42个国家开展业务。我们的客户遍布零售、快消、酒店、母婴、奢侈品、物流等多个行业,如:米其林、宝洁、丝芙兰、雀巢、DHL、哈根达斯等。 Accentiv’ is a subsidiary of Edenred (formerly branded Accor Services), which was one of the two core businesses under Accor Group. The new Edenred Group became independent in 2010 and was listed on the Euronext Paris on July 2(EDENREDAC - Euronext Paris). As a CRM leader and renowned specialist in relationship marketing consultancy and practice, Accentiv' provides business with tailor-made services to design and manage CRM, Loyalty & Incentive Programs. We are committed to helping our corporate clients build up a loyalty bridge to their customers, partners and employees, and to providing a holistic package of relationship marketing consulting, technology, marketing and operation services. We believe RELATIONSHIPS DO MATTER. Accentiv’ operates in 42 countries around the world. Our clients in China, covering in various industries of Retail, FMCG, Hotel, Baby, Luxury and Logistic: Michelin, P&G, Sephora, Nestle, DHL, Haagen-Dazs… 公司网址:www.edenred.com www.accentiv.cn
影像科医师 0.6-1万/月
妇产科医生 0.6-1万/月
肿瘤科医师 0.6-1万/月
金融征信副总监(金融方向) (职位编号:CR) 1.5-2万/月
项目经理(医药、医疗器械) 20-30万/年
GLP Compliance Auditor 0.6-1万/月
GMP Compliance Leader (Auditor/QA) 0.9-1.5万/月
开票员 4-6千/月
标贴专员(实习岗) 3-4.5千/月
质量体系专员 4.5-6千/月
市场专员 4.5-6千/月
半成品检验员 3-4.5千/月
外贸专员 5-7千/月
资深验证主管 1-1.5万/月
QC主管 1.2-2万/月