上海相关职位: 技术支持专员 Product&Scientific Support Specialist 政府事务专员 食品安全项目专员 政府事务区域经理-华东区(职位编号:Braccosine000642) 产品工程师(试剂研发) 硬件工程师(机器人) 顶尖药企招生物制剂药品合规注册 产品经理 临床研究员 销售代表(武汉)
周边城市招聘: 上海 浙江 安徽 广东 山东 河北 重庆 北京 江苏 湖南
企业入驻日期: 2017-11-09
职位描述: Shanghai Zerun Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is located in Zhangjiang High-Tech Park in Pudong, Shanghai, China. Our company is an innovation driven biotech dedicated to the improvement of human lives through the development of prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines.Our Technology Development Department is looking for a Vaccine Process Technology Scientist to support Zerun’s vaccine discovery efforts and advance our technology platforms and expertise. The successful candidate will develop new analytical and statistical methods for the development and characterization of recombinant virus-like particles for novel early-stage vaccine projects and implement new data handling, documentation and GLP systems in collaboration with cross-functional teams.The ideal candidate will have the following skills and experience:?Hands on experience in bioanalytical method development, optimization and standardization (Writing of SOPs)?Hands on experience in statistical software (e.g. JMP/ SIMCA/ Minitab/ Matlab/ C++).?Experience and Knowledge of QbD, PAT and ICH guidelines?Familiarity with process and protein analytical technology including chromatographic and biophysical characterization methods such as HPLC (SEC, RP), calorimetric assays, fluorescence, light scattering.?Ability to analyze, interpret and effectively present data at group meetings?Ability to write internal and external reports and work and communicate across different departments?Analytical thinking skills, curiosity, self-motivation and willingness to improveQualifications?This role is best suited for a scientist with a Master or PhD degree in (bio)chemistry, microbiology, or another related scientific field. You’ve been analyzing and interpreting bioprocess and biomolecular data sets with rich experience in statistical analysis. You are willing to learn new analytical methods, characterize new biomolecules and train and support others.?Prior experience with bioprocess or bioanalytical development in an academic or industrial setting.?Proficiency in MS Office and graphic software (Origin/ GraphPad Prism).Your role at Zerun is integral to helping China and the world meet new breakthroughs that affect generations to come, and we’re counting on your skills and inventiveness to help make meaningful contributions to the development of new human vaccines. 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药 医药技术研发人员
上海泽润生物科技有限公司成立于2003年,位于上海市浦东新区张江高科技园区,专注于新型重组人用疫苗产品的研发和产业化,是国家重大新药创制项目承担单位和国家高新技术企业。泽润生物于2012年底成为沃森生物控股子公司。秉承沃森生物“成为世界生物制药领域值得信赖的企业”的宗旨,专注于新型重组疫苗的研究开发与产业化。泽润生物在研项目获得国家重大新药创制专项课题及多项上海市科研专项资助。泽润生物注重知识产权,至今在申请中和已获授权的国内外发明专利达数十个之多。我们提供有竞争力的薪酬和福利,人性化的工作环境、简单和谐的人际关系: 1、薪资:包括基本工资、各类补贴、年终奖金、绩效奖金、项目奖金和股权奖励。 2、五险一金:包括养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险、生育保险、工伤保险和公积金。 3、额外关怀:包括员工商业保险意外险、大病险、补充医疗保险;年度体检、探亲费和员工进修资助。 4、假期:包括年休假、各类带薪假期和法定节假日。 5、节庆福利:包括婚育礼金、节庆礼包和生日礼包。 6、员工活动:包括部门团队建设、节日主题活动、企业文化活动和工会活动等。 公司拥有良好的工作环境及发展空间,有竞争力的薪资福利,并提供良好的培训和职业生涯发展机会,我们不断地吸纳贤才,鼓励创新,注重“以人为本”的人才理念,信任、尊重员工,为员工提供平等的机会,使员工与公司共同成长、分享成功。
医疗器械市场推广经理 0.3-1.5万/月
细胞培养助理 5-8千/月
CRA 0.8-1.5万/月
细胞培养技术员 3-5千/月
QA专员 6-8万/年
市场专员 4.5-7千/月
销售员-技术服务 6-8千/月
采购主管(职位编号:004) 6-8千/月
装配工 3-4.5千/月
无菌检验员 4-6.5千/月
医药销售代表 6-8千/月
实验室分析检测工程师 5-8千/月
蛋白质组学区域销售 0.5-1万/月
上海相关职位: 技术支持专员 Product&Scientific Support Specialist 政府事务专员 食品安全项目专员 政府事务区域经理-华东区(职位编号:Braccosine000642) 产品工程师(试剂研发) 硬件工程师(机器人) 顶尖药企招生物制剂药品合规注册 产品经理 临床研究员 销售代表(武汉)
周边城市招聘: 上海 浙江 安徽 广东 山东 河北 重庆 北京 江苏 湖南
企业入驻日期: 2017-11-09