• 1年经验
  • 本科
  • 招5人
  • 11-30 发布


职位描述: 岗位职责:1. 参与针对分包商的施工/调试管理工作2. 参与相关设备/系统的设计审查/确认工作3. 负责编写或审查设备/系统的调试及确认方案4. 负责设备/系统的确认执行工作5. 负责编制确认报告职位要求:1. 一年以上药厂工艺或机电设备/系统调试,维护及验证经验2. 对于GMP有充分理解3. 熟练掌握Office办公软件4. 本科以上学历,理工科专业5. 具备较好英语听说读写能力6. 身体健康,乐于出差(50%左右)7. 此岗位以上海为常驻地求职要求:应聘者请将简历电邮至edgar,feng@regentsfe.com,我们将会主动与您联系。请勿致电或登门造访。请在简历或附信(Cover Letter)中注明联系方式及薪资要求。Responsibilities:1. Participate in construction and commissioning management2. Participate in the Design Review / Qualification for related Equipment and/or Systems3. Develop and Review the Commissioning and Qualification Protocols for related Equipment and/or Systems4. Execute Qualification Work for related Equipment and/or Systems5. Develop Qualification Reports for related Equipment and/or SystemsQualifications:1. Knowledge and/or experience in Process or facility Equipment / System Commissioning, Maintenance or Validation in Pharmaceutical or other related Life Science Industries2. Understanding in regards to GMP Regulations3. Good understanding of Microsoft Office4. University degree in Science and Engineering majors5. Good command of spoken and written English and Mandarin6. No health issues and no issues with business trips (about 50%)7. Work is based in our Shanghai headquarterHow to apply:The applicant emails the resume electronically to edgar.feng@regentsfe.com and we will be able go through your information and contact you. Please do not send a telegram or call, as soon as we were able to look into your application we will get in touch with you.Please attach a letter of intent (Cover Letter) to your resume to inform us the easiest way to contact you and your salary request. 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药 关键字: 验证工程师 药厂工艺 机电设备 系统调试 验证 生物工程 生物制药 制药工程 GMP 验证




Regents Facility Engineering Co., Ltd.上海锐臻洁净科技有限公司Incorporated in 2005, Regents provides Engineering, Construction Management, Validation and GMP Consultancy Services to China's Pharmaceutical Industry in accordance with International GMP Codes and Engineering Guidelines. Over the years, we have served many multinational pharmaceutical companies as well as local firms in their capital projects.锐臻成立于2005年,按照国际GMP规范和工程技术指南为在中国的制药企业提供设计、施工管理、验证和GMP咨询服务。在过去的几年中,我们为许多跨国制药企业和本地公司的新建及改扩建项目提供了技术服务。 We strive to provide extraordinary services to our clients and attract talents to help us grow and achieve our goals. The key to our success are our people, who possess vast experiences with our major global pharmaceutical customers and partnering engineering companies.我们致力于为顾客提供卓越服务,并吸引业界才俊与我们共同成长。我们的员工在与跨国公司客户以及工程公司合作的过程中积累了大量的实践经验。The difference we make for our customers are based on solutions that increase efficiency, drive growth and manage risk. By applying our diverse competencies, deep knowledge and dynamic talent, we help our customers build and qualify their facilities as efficiently and cost effective as possible.我们的优势在于为顾客提高生产效率、促进成长、降低风险。我们凭借丰富的专业知识和充满活力的工程师团队协助顾客以高效率, 低成本的方式建设及验证生产设施。Our customers rely on us because they can - from our knowledge and technical expertise, to our staff stability and many years track record of success. Regents gets the job done.我们的顾客信赖我们的知识、专业技能,稳定的员工团队和数年来的成功记录。锐臻值得您的信任。Website: https://www.regentsfe.cn; https://www.regentsfe.com公司详情请登录https://www.regentsfe.cn或https://www.regentsfe.com
