• 无工作经验
  • 本科
  • 招1人
  • 12-02 发布
  • 五险一金
  • 免费班车
  • 定期体检
  • 弹性工作


职位描述: Overview of Responsibilities:1 Ordering and maintaining adequate stocks of laboratory materials and resources, working with delegated budget.2 liaising with academic staff to discuss timetables, materials and resource requirements and work plans3 running trials of experiments prior to classes and then demonstrating techniques for experiments4 preparing equipment, chemicals and other resources before lessons - from glassware to microscopes and other equipment5 maintaining and repairing equipment and laboratory apparatus;6 keeping record for students' practical sessions, tracking methods, results, etc;7 ensuring that glassware and equipment are properly cleaned and that chemicals, drugs and other materials are appropriately classified and stored8 supporting the work of teachers in laboratory sessions and giving technical advice to staff and students9 working with individual students and supporting them on research projects10 managing the stock control of chemicals, equipment and other resources11 ensuring that all health and safety procedures are understood and followed correctly12 coordinating work in the laboratory to ensure efficient use is made of expensive pieces of equipment.13 support teachers in the preparation of teaching resources and materials, and support of lessons where applicable.14 support the pastoral system of the School by contributing as a student Tutor if required.15 contribute to the wider life of the School by participating in – or organising – extra curricular activities. Qualifications:1 Bachelor degree or above2 Fluent in both written and spoken English3 Have a good Scientific knowledge, with qualifications in Science or Science related subjects. 职能类别: 化工实验室研究员/技术员 化学分析测试员




学校的互动地图:http://www.waiscz.com/web/secondary/our-school/school-map可以很直观得看到学校的细节。常州市武进区威雅公学实验学校(简称:威雅公学)坐落在美丽的西太湖畔,拥有当前最先进的校园设施,威雅公学(前牛津国际公学)是一所英式男女混校,招收3岁至18岁的寄宿生和走读生。我校教授IGCSE (国际普通中等教育证书考试)和A-Levels(英国普通中等教育证书高级水平考试)课程。 IGCSE 和A-Levels考试在国际范围内广受认可,其成绩也是进入所有海外大学的有效途径。我校学生被顶尖名校录取,其中英美大学居多。我校素以优异学术成绩著称,在寄宿教育、运动项目和音乐特色方面也以第一流的水准享有盛誉。我校和我们的姐妹学校英国威雅公学合作密切,英国威雅公学是常年位居英国学术排名榜第一的私立学校。
