12-05 发布
- 五险一金
- 补充医疗保险
- 定期体检
- 绩效奖金
- 年终奖金
职位描述: .SUMMARY OF POSITIONProject permitting is responsible for the preparation of authority approval/permitting documents and the supervision and coordination of project progress. The communication with local authorities and the consulting to clients and project members about local authority requirements is within the scope of this position.ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS?Communicate and interface with project team members for government approval requirement in design and engineering documents.?Communicate with local government officials to updating government approval process and newest government requirement.?Build and maintain regular and good relationship with local government and organization?Reply and feedback when inquired by internal or external about local government permit requirement?Compile flow chart of permitting and approvals process from project end to end project. (which include construction permit and final approval). Relevant govt bureaux and offices to be identified together with the parties responsible for producing documents and/or making the submission.?Compile list of activities required for every stage of application identifying responsible parties and nature of documents required?Provide sequential tasks/activities to project scheduler together with durations and identify critical path.?Update progress monthly and advise project scheduler for schedule update?Use network of govt. contacts to transfer details of the project and cultivate awareness among govt. officers?Provide guidance to client and consultants alike on the requirements of their submission deliverables?Review submission deliverables from client and consultants alike for Govt. compliance?Arrange and attend pre-submission review meetings with Govt. experts and/or approved listed experts to discuss and resolve technical issues?Provide estimate of costs for each stage of the permitting and approvals process for CAR and advise client on post completion costs outside project scope?Provide input on schedule risk assessment for permits and approvals options and strategies?Collect, collate and maintain a list of submissions, comments, receipts and re-submissions. Track submissions in progress?Retain or ensure client retains original documents in safe custody.?Arrange and attend regular meetings with key contractors and Jian Li during construction stage and request necessary documents and as built records on regular basis.?Assist GC with timing of inspections by govt. officers in particular FB and QB?Advise on progress payments from Govt. Bureaux and utilities companies based on completed activities and deliverables.?Co-ordinate key contractors and Jian Li and chase down documents and drawings necessary for realty permit 职能类别: 项目管理 生物工程/生物制药 关键字: 景观设计 周末双休 带薪年假 年终双薪 人才推荐奖
阿特金斯集团介绍 阿特金斯1938年由威廉 阿特金斯爵士创立,1996年在伦敦股票交易所上市,目前是英国最具威望的公司之一,欧洲非常知名的设计和工程咨询机构。 在70余年的成长历程中,阿特金斯参与了世界上众多复杂且艰巨的建设项目,在设计和工程界以优异质量和创新精神著称。我们的城市规划和建筑设计业务服务重要的政府部门、开发商和承建商,无论在规模上还是项目的重要性上都在世界上名列前茅。 中国市场在阿特金斯全球的业务中占有举足轻重的地位。我们在中国大陆以北京、上海和深圳为主要基地,开展城市规划、建筑设计和景观设计服务,取得了骄人的业绩。在城市规划方面,我们在中国已经成功完成了500多个项目,在同行的国际公司中是领先者。在建筑和景观设计方面,我们像在世界其他地区一样,完成了一系列酒店、机场、商业、住宅和综合开发项目。 在工作的各个层面,阿特金斯都是低碳规划和设计的倡导者与实践者。我们在世界上率先将大型涡轮风力发电机设计在大型建筑物上,最近又设计出荣获LEED白金认证的建筑,并且正在世界不同地区开展多个生态城规划项目。 阿特金斯因在人才管理方面成绩突出而屡获殊荣,无论在中国还是在海外,都为员工个人的成长和职业的进步提供巨大空间。 阿特金斯一览 核心业务:规划、设计、协助实施建设项目 欧洲最大的跨学科设计与工程咨询公司之一 全球第四大建筑设计公司 员工人数全球18000名,中国近1000名 永久性分支机构设立在全球70余个城市,包括中国的上海、北京、深圳、成都、武汉、重庆、天津及香港 项目遍及全球200个国家和地区,在中国遍及除西藏外全部的省、自治区和直辖市 e-mail: recruit.cn@atkinsglobal.com 更多职位信息请登陆www.atkins.com.cn