12-07 发布
- 五险一金
- 补充医疗保险
- 补充公积金
- 免费班车
- 员工旅游
- 年终奖金
- 定期体检
职位描述: ESSENTIAL TASKS:1、Drive measurable R&D projects base on company strategy & key customers’ requirements.2、Lead key research projects and cooperate with operation members to complete products development case.3、Collect theoretical & technical info. Lead the design of experiments or data analysis which refer to Target sequencing, Gene fusion detection, Liquid Biopsy or single-cell sequencing.4、Elaborate research projects plan budget including timelines and milestones.5、Draft out and establish SOP of genetic assay, draw up the QC key point.6、Help to training qualified technicians, deliver best practiceADDITIONAL DUTIES:1、Perform analysis and test to determine the production performance and to ensure quality meeting & exceeding customer's expectation.2、Be responsible for troubleshooting problems during regular operation.Qualifications and RequirementsKNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, and ABILITIES:1、Have good knowledge of different Molecular biological technologies, etc. NGS, QPCR, IHC. Liquid Biopsy.2、Able to manage research programs independently and utilize effectively both internal and external resources to achieve objectives.3、Good project management ability to carry out the multi task at a time.4、Strong organizational and interpersonal communication skills.5、Good command in both spoken & written English and ChineseEDUCATION, EXPERIENCE, and LICENSES/CERTIFICATIONS:1、Master and above degree in Molecular Biology, Molecular Medicine, Genetics Genomics or related disciplines2、More than 3 years' Industrial or Lab experience in Research and Development. NGS experience is preferred 职能类别: 医药技术研发人员
领星生物是由中美生物医学科学家携手资深肿瘤专家共同开创的肿瘤精准医疗服务平台,是一家集精准医疗方案筛选、实施和监测于一体的国际化公司。公司总部位于上海,同时在美国波士顿和中国香港设有业务机构。 秉承“临床价值”、“关怀”和“效率”的企业使命,领星整合了高通量测序、基因组学、医疗信息学、临床病程管理等前沿技术手段,建立起一流的医疗资源合作网络,致力于通过具有开创性的业务模式为中国肿瘤患者和医生提供个体化精准医疗的临床解决方案和面向全球资源的对接服务。 在公司日常运营过程中,领星提倡以“价值”、“简单”、“快乐”为核心的企业文化。公司管理团队具有丰富的国际视野和对本土市场的深刻洞察,高度重视文化的打造和人才的培养。领星倡导在简单清晰的企业架构下,凝聚起一批具有相似价值观的员工,共同践行企业使命,实现员工和企业的同步成长。 领星生物属于综合医疗服务集团嘉信控股(Carebridge Holdings),集团旗下还拥有上海嘉会国际医院和嘉会诊所等医疗机构,及负责《新英格兰医学杂志》(The New England Journal of Medicine)官方认证中文版运营的嘉会医学研究和教育集团有限公司。
研发科学家/工程师 1-2万/月
研发(注册)技术员 6-8千/月
研发(注册)技术员 6-8千/月
生信工程师 0.8-1.5万/月
生物信息科学家 1.2-2.2万/月
研发科学家 1.2-2.2万/月
生信工程师/科学家 1.2-2.2万/月
研究员 0.7-1.5万/月
生信经理 20-50万/年
研发经理/高级研发经理 35-60万/年
生信经理/高级生信经理 35-60万/年
生物信息科学家 1.2-2.2万/月
生物信息科学家(遗传咨询方向) 1.2-2.2万/月