12-09 发布
- 五险一金
- 餐饮补贴
- 周末双休
- 带薪年假
- 年终奖金
职位描述: 1.Responsibilities focused on translating and editing, may include writing and creating many kinds of items, listed below not limited. “Create” here may means “create or/and translate”.2.Translate and optimize copywriting projects presented on kinds of ways, website, e-mail, brochures, leaflets, press releases, annual reports, and other informational documents.3.Develop eye-catching English slogans, copy for billboards and advertisements, and detailed scripts for media appearances.4.Working as part of a team to develop promotional materials, and working with colleagues to turn dry statistics into interesting materials for stakeholders.5.As digital media expanded, writing copy that promotes corporate Public Relationship, websites generally.6.Create the text for advertisements, promotional brochures, and other public relations communications. And may will needed, types of business and managerial writing, i.e. proposals, case studies, business plans, and employee handbooks, etc. internal and external company communications as well.Education and Experience Requirements, essentially1.Strong background in English is a must, academic English Degree or Years of overseas education. !!! Non-entry level!!!2.Broad vocabulary & Careful word choice is important, i.e. skilled with language, as is an attention to detail to choose precisely the words.3.Creativity and the ability to think under pressure is helpful for working under tight space or timing constraints.4.Knowledge of existing industrial campaigns, and familiar with the NKY products, techniques/services, for example, should know the terminology, a shining plus.5.Good communication skills, important to understand the corporate goals and then clearly transmit their ideas.6.Sensitive to corporate culture and product/service trends to avoid causing confusing readers with bad phrasing.Kindly Expected:Building a portfolio to show, make sure to have samples of your work when we meet up.主要职责:1. 采集素材,策划公司网站文案、网络传播软文,公司形象与传播的网页呈现。2. 公司需要的品牌介绍、品牌推广等相关材料的编写3. 公司的官方微信英文转化,公司线上的企业文化的撰写4. 各类宣传品文字内容的组织和整理,随机性的文案稿件的撰写工作;5. 集团范围内企业文化的宣传方案和大事记文案的整理编写6. 撰写宣传推广文案,沟通宣传媒体,掌握媒体的配置及优化基本要求:有5年以上相关实践工作经验和独立操作各个职责能力需具有较强的英文水平,能够将中文文案翻译成英文有医药行业知识背景优先 职能类别: 其他
新开源医疗隶属于创业板上市公司博爱新开源制药股份有限公司(股票代码300109),是一个专注于高新医疗科技研发、推广的平台,旗下拥有肿瘤早期诊断、分子诊断、基因检测等业务。随着人口老龄化程度加剧,我国健康医疗服务需求量的持续增加,人均可支配收入的增加、国民健康意识增强,也进一步拉升了健康医疗服务需求。在此背景下,国家将“健康中国”写入“十三五规划”,全面推进医药卫生体制改革。新开源作为一家精细化工企业,2014年就前瞻性地提出了“消费类特征化学品+健康医疗服务”双平台战略,2015年完成了“健康医疗服务平台”暨新开源医疗的搭建。新开源医疗目前完全拥有武汉呵尔、长沙三济和上海晶能三家子公司,同时正在并购数家国内外医疗公司,业务主要涉及***健康(宫颈癌、乳腺癌诊断和治疗)、精准医疗(分子诊断、基因检测)。新开源医疗深知,医疗技术的推广有赖于强大的学术支撑,有鉴于此公司与复旦大学、武汉大学、中南大学等国内顶尖高校,及瑞典卡罗林斯卡学院(诺贝尔生理学或医学奖评审机构)、欧洲肿瘤内科学会等国际顶尖高校、机构,建立了全面深度合作。医者仁心,作为一家商业公司,新开源医疗格外看重公益事业:公司已与中国***发展基金会达成合作协议,共同开展一系列针对广大农村***的健康公益活动。新开源医疗使命OUR MISSION新益求新,开物成务,端本正源创新是发展的动力之源,创新是人类战胜各种疾病的根本,新开源对医疗科技创新、改进的追求没有终点,只会新益求新. 再好的医疗科研成果,若无法应用到实际生活中,便无法发挥其最大价值。新开源医疗立志开物成务, 把科研成果转化为临床技术,成为把最合适技术带到最急需患者身边的一座桥梁。人类对自身健康的探索,贯穿了整个人类历史,最近几十年来,基因科学的发展让人类相信,我们已找到生命密码。新开源涉足精准医疗产业,就是为了端本正源,为患者找到疾病的根源,提供个体化治疗方案,以最小之代价,达到最大之成果。
医药销售代表-耗材、急聘 3.8-6千/月
生物信息分析员 (职位编号:002) 0.5-1万/月
维修工程师 3-4.5千/月
医疗器械注册专员 6-8千/月
医学分析师 1.5-2万/月
招商经理(山东) 0.8-1万/月
CRA项目经理 0.8-1万/月
销售专员 4.5-6千/月
生物实验员及质检质控 6-8千/月
政府事务专员 1-1.5万/月
销售专员 4.5-6千/月
医疗器械销售 4.5-6千/月
医药行业工艺工程师 0.8-1.5万/月
仪器技术人员 6-8千/月
北京朝阳百子湾聘-显微镜销售工程师 6-8千/月