12-13 发布
职位描述: Position Summary:1.Develop access strategies and collaborate with local market access team and related functions to maximize patient access to Gilead products;2.Develop product value dossier, key value messages, communication tools, access tactics and tools etc. to facilitate national and local access initiatives3.Support to build up long term relationship and network with key stakeholders and authorities;Job Responsibilities:1.Develop market access analysis, access planning and strategic initiatives to support the accomplishment of cooperate access goals;2.Develop product value dossier, key value messages, communication tools, access tactics and tools etc. for both national and local formulary list evaluation and reimbursement negotiation, etc.;3.Closely collaborate with local market access team and related functions to ensure successful execution of the access strategies at regional level, including but not limited in NRDL negotiation, local reimbursement negotiation, etc.;4.Support to build up professional relationship with key access stakeholders, such as policy advisors, academic institutions and associations;5.Drive national level access initiatives or platform through collaboration with internal and external stakeholders;Knowledge and skills:1.Education/Qualifications2.Bachelor degree or above3.Major of Medical, Pharmacy or related area4.Leadership Competencies5.Strategic thinking with strategy agility, ability of innovation.6.Superior interpersonal and excellent communication and influencing skill, both internal and external.7.Well-developed networking ability.Job Required Competencies1.At least 1-2 years’ experience in pharmaceutical related industry2.Skilled in spoken English and written English 职能类别: 政府事务管理
GileadSciences, 是一家致力于探索、研发和销售尚未解决的医疗需求领域新药的研究型生物制药公司。我们试图通过探索新发现和研制新药品,帮助世界各地患有危及生命疾病的患者改善病情。Gilead涉及的医疗领域主要有:HIV/艾滋病、肝病、血液病、肿瘤、炎症、呼吸道疾病和心血管疾病。经过将近30年的发展,Gilead已经营造了一种卓越的企业文化。我们全力以赴、勤奋,并致力于改善我们患者的生活品质。我们倡导诚信、包容、合作、负责和追求卓越的价值观,并将其体现在药物研发和公司管理等每个细节。今天,Gilead拥有8900多名员工,遍布全球35个国家,但 Gilead仍始终专注于患者和科学。其矩阵式报告结构和灵活的运营环境使得全球每个分公司上下的每位员工均有机会迅速增长知识、提升技能,同时对患者生活产生显著、重要的影响。Gilead正积极招聘各类人才,协同我们一起变革和加速寻求重疾患者康复之路。我们寻找积极向上、自我驱动型的人才,在Gilead提供的灵活和快节奏的环境中,发现自我价值,为公司贡献力量。对我们而言,每个人都很重要,每个人都有机遇通过持续发展提升技能。加盟Gilead 中国,您不仅仅是成为这个专业团队的一员,更有机会共同创造新事业、 打造***实践、提出新思路。欢迎联系我们,加入这个大家庭,一起努力改变世界、帮助数百万人过上更健康、更充实的生活。更多信息,请关注我们官方网站https://china-careers.gilead.com/
高级临床协调员(CRC管理人员) (职位编号:01) 1-1.5万/月
一线销售代表(上海) 0.8-1.6万/月
SNP基因分型实验室主管 8-10万/年
销售代表(上海、南京、北京、广州) 0.3-1.2万/月
微生物实验员 (职位编号:SDP201701微生物) 4-5千/月
销售代表 6-8千/月
销售代表 6-8千/月
技术支持(口腔) 1-1.5万/月
临床研究员 1.5-2万/月
资深分子生物学实验员 3.5-6千/月
测序主管 5-8千/月
基因合成实验设计员 5-8千/月
产品经理/市场技术专员 4.8-6.5千/月
基因合成实验辅助员(办公室) 3.5-5.5千/月
基因部客服经理 5-8千/月