深圳相关职位: 医药销售工程师——深圳办 国际超声临床医生 国际产品专员(彩超) 试剂工程师 博士后工作站-试剂研发方向 检验线市场经理(血气/心标/基础检验) (职位编号:szedan000750) 零基础UI美工设计实习生/包住+双休 销售主管 高级软件工程师 眼科产品经理、眼科医生
周边城市招聘: 上海 浙江 安徽 广东 山东 河北 重庆 北京 江苏 湖南
企业入驻日期: 2017-12-13
职位描述: Tasks Description1. Responsible for new product development, especially focus onparameter setting in TDS, product characterization, specificationdrafting.2. Troubleshoot and maintain equipment needed for production androutine processing & property evaluation and supporting machinescale-up work.3.Generate and/or evaluate lab-scale samples, testing for customertechnical programs, process and product research programs andmanufacturing support and provide relevant information for furtherdecisions.4. Capable of managing multiple tasks, working effectively with morethan one technical supervisor.5. In charge Technical lab of R&D in COVSZ plant (China), and providethe required sample testing support to local sale team together withlocal QC team's support.6. Documentation the laboratory and technical results.7. Support raw materials analysis and work close with QC department.8. Work together with production, product management, and assistant theSenior Development Chemist to manage day to day business.Requirements Description? Bachelor in Chemistry or closely related with excellence workingexperience in plastic.? Knowledge of common laboratory procedures and skill and mechanicalaptitude in handling laboratory equipment as well as modifying/adaptinglaboratory equipment for specific development programs.? Ability to analyze, review and summarize data in an effective manner.? Basic computer (e.g. MS Office and lab-specific software) skills.? Good technical and interpersonal communication skills.? Ability to maintain a safe work environment and follow safe workpractices (e.g. with chemicals).? Minimum 2 years working experience in TPU field and well skill ofmachine operation. 职能类别: 生物/制药/医疗器械
科思创是全球最大的聚合物生产公司之一,其2014年度销售额达118亿欧元。其业务范围主要集中在高科技聚合物材料制造及应用于日常生活众多领域的革新性解决方案的发展。所服务的行业主要包括:汽车、电子和电气、建筑、体育即休闲产业。科思创,原拜耳材料科技,截至2015年9月底,在全球拥有30个生产基地、约15,700位员工。了解更多科思创招聘信息,请访问: http://covestro.51job.comWith 2014 sales of EUR 11.8 billion, Covestro is among the world’s largest polymer companies. Business activities are focused on the manufacture of high-tech polymer materials and the development of innovative solutions for products used in many areas of daily life. The main segments served are the automotive, electrical and electronics, construction and sports and leisure industries. Covestro, formerly Bayer MaterialScience, has 30 production sites around the globe and employs approximately 15,700 people at the end of September 2015. For more Covestro recruitment details, please visit: http://covestro.51job.com
售前售后技术支持工程师 6-8千/月
医疗器械销售 4.5-6千/月
执业药师 6-8千/月
项目申报员 0.6-1万/月
生产质检员/QC 3-5.5千/月
销售专员 (职位编号:01) 0.8-1万/月
医疗器械销售代表 0.5-1万/月
销售工程师 0.3-1.3万/月
产品经理 1-1.5万/月
基层医疗区域推广经理 10-15万/年
临床医生(深圳) 15-20万/年
储备工程师(应届毕业生) 3-6千/月
深圳相关职位: 医药销售工程师——深圳办 国际超声临床医生 国际产品专员(彩超) 试剂工程师 博士后工作站-试剂研发方向 检验线市场经理(血气/心标/基础检验) (职位编号:szedan000750) 零基础UI美工设计实习生/包住+双休 销售主管 高级软件工程师 眼科产品经理、眼科医生
周边城市招聘: 上海 浙江 安徽 广东 山东 河北 重庆 北京 江苏 湖南
企业入驻日期: 2017-12-13