• 无工作经验
  • 招若干人
  • 12-21 发布


The Project Assistant will provide administrative and technical support to Scientific and Medical Services and associated groups with whom they work closely with. The Project Assistant must be able to respond to the needs of project teams during any and all phases of a project (planning, initiation, monitoring, data management and reporting).Reviewer Training and Follow-up Support:?Initiate the process for project specific Reviewer Training including: scheduling the training, preparation of training/testing cases, preparation of clinical dossier (as needed), preparation of training documentation, reserving conference rooms and ordering food for the trainings?Manage reviewer documentation and communications post-training?Create reports to monitor reviewer performance as necessary?Assist MI Operations with requests concerning reviewer documentation?Manage SciMed updates to the Reviewer Training Database owned by Reviewer OperationsAnalysis Application Support:?Provide support during SciMed testing of project specific analysis applications?Manage the process with PSG of updating documents within project specific analysis applicationsAdministrative Support:?Organize and facilitate therapeutic and strategic meetings within SciMed?Handle the ordering of supplies for the members of SciMed?Complete expense reports for the members of SciMed?Manage the SciMed training curriculum to ensure that it is up to date with company standards?Assist with the Onboarding and Training of SciMed New Hires?Assist with any administrative requests from the members of SciMedJob Qualifications : Skills:?Proficiency with desktop applications such as MS Office?Capability of handling confidential matters?Excellent interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills?Client focused approach to work?A flexible attitude with respect to work assignments and new learning?Ability to manage multiple and varied tasks with enthusiasm and prioritize workload with attention to detail?Willingness to work in a matrix environment and to value the importance of teamworkKnowledge and Experience:?Administrative experience preferred.?Experience in Healthcare, Pharma, or Academia preferredEducation:?High school education or Associate degree required?BA/BS preferred 职能类别: 其他




精鼎医药研究开发(上海)有限公司(PAREXEL International),成立于1982年,是一家致力于药物临床试验研究的CRO (Contract Research Organization)集团公司。总部位于美国,分支机构遍布欧、美、亚、大洋四大洲,且于亚洲13个国家和地区设立了分支机构,致力深耕于当地。精鼎医药由一群具有丰富跨国性临床试验研发经验及专业知识的精英所组成,服务团队集合各种不同专业领域的人才。我们重视与客户的承诺,更重视人才的培育和养成,我们提供完整的教育训练、职涯规划、优于市场的薪资福利、良好工作环境,期许同仁与公司一同成长,迈向未来。 愿景(Vision): 创造一个在亚太地区具有国际竞争力的最精良CRO团队。 发展使命(Mission): 1.争取国际大药厂委托,执行符合国际水准的跨国性临床试验。 2.协助亚太生技及制药产业建立新药开发模式,以提升产品研发能力,幷促使产品国际化。 3.以提升临床试验品质为宗旨,拓展全球市场为目标,整合计算机及通讯科技,在国际上提供客户兼具成本效益及效率的临床试验数据处理中心。 4.建立一个以亚洲人种高发生率疾病的基因数据库,以提供国际性新药研发机构所须之基因信息,协助其缩短药物开发时程,幷提高研发成功率。 公司福利和人才培养计划: 保险类: 1. 社会保险(依照国家规定)及住房公积金; 2. 团体保险(包括寿险、意外暨医疗保险); 3. 补充医疗保险; 制度类: 1. 学习发展计划 (Learning & Development): 针对个别员工之专业及兴趣,设计符合其个人之生涯规划; 2. 完整的教育训练:每年公司均针对所有员工,提供完整之教育训练; 3. 顺畅的升迁管道及可转调其它部门;如有职缺,亦可申请调至海外各子公司; 请 / 休假制度: 1. 服务第一年即享有14天年假, 后续年休假天数则依据服务年资及公司制度而定; 2. 一年可享12天不扣薪病假; 3. 员工旅游, 年度体检; 精鼎医药将以培养国际性的人才为目标,欢迎具有国际观之人才加入。 应聘方法: 1.    在线投递; 2.    请登录我们的公司网站直接投您的简历(https://jobs.parexel.com/search-jobs) 我们在收到您的简历之后,会尽快与您联系。 谢谢!
