• 1年经验
  • 本科
  • 招1人
  • 12-28 发布
  • 五险一金
  • 免费班车
  • 绩效奖金
  • 专业培训
  • 定期体检
  • 弹性工作
  • 补充商业保险
  • 免费工作餐
  • 节日福利
  • 周末双休


Participate LAB MANAGEMENT:参与实验室管理:Assures corrective result delivery of chemical analysis确保化学分析结果的正确交付Systematically analyzes inbound raw material, semi-finished and finished goods, communicate anomalies to line manager.系统地分析入境原材料、半成品和成品,向部门经理汇报异常情况Assures the execution of appropriate chemical analysis by taking into consideration materials and products to be analyzed.将待分析的材料和产品考虑在内,确保合理的化学分析。Assures that chemical laboratory instruments are all properly working.确保所有化学实验室的仪器工作正常Operate instruments for laboratory analysis accord to analysis’ procedures.按照分析程序操作实验室分析仪器。Record the analysis result for traceability and in SAP.记录可追溯的和SAP中的分析结果。Participate the lab audit from government authority and central team参与政府机构和中心团队实施的实验室审计。Participate the Ring test.参与响铃测试。Follow chemical and bio safety rules in lab, follow the good laboratory practice遵循实验室的化学安全和生物安全规程,遵循良好的实验室规范DOCUMENTATION MANAGEMENT:文档管理:Maintain and file all updated work instructions and analysis methods维护和归档所有已更新的作业指导书和分析方法。Record the traceability of media, samples and analysis result记录介质、样本和分析结果的可追溯性要求Requirements:1. Bachelor degree in food, chemist, analytical instrument or equivalent食品、化学分析仪器学士学位或同等学历2.Previous experience in analytical laboratory,master basic chemical and physical analysis. Instrument analysis experience is preferred.具备实验室工作经验,掌握基础理化分析方法。有仪器分析经验者优先。3.GMP or CNAS knowledge is preferred.了解GMP或CNAS相关知识者优先。4.English both oral and writing英语(口语和书面) 职能类别: 化学分析测试员




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