• 5-7年经验
  • 本科
  • 招1人
  • 12-28 发布


Requirements:1.Bachelor degree or above in Food/Pharmaceutical Science and Engineering, Packaging Technology, Mechanical, Automation, or equivalent majors.2.At least 5 years working experience on Infant formula with 2+ years project management experience in pharmaceutical / food manufacturing industry with production or engineering background.3.Good leadership skills with solid experience in managing resource including external supplier and internal project team.4.A good team player, with good written and verbal communication skills.5.Good oral and written English skills, good documentation skills are a plus.6.Familiar with wet processing, dryer processing, automation technology/mechanic knowledge with basic cGMP knowledge.Major Responsibilities:1. For innovation & renovation using existing processes and equipment, ensure process capabilities to meet all finished product specifications in collaboration with related department.2. Establish and maintain the Manufacturing dossiers for each industrialized product.3. Define, document and implement all processing parameters in conjunction with corporate technical center through change control procedure.4. Evaluate current set-up, identify improvements/opportunities regarding state-of-the art processes and technologies, and validate solutions through corporate centre expert.5. Lead process optimization projects/trials to fulfill customer/commercial requirements and other business needs.6. Compile process development SOPs/WIs in compliance with corporate standards.7. Other tasks assigned by manager.简历接收邮箱:HRrecruit.suzhou@wyethnutrition.com 职能类别: 其他




惠氏是婴幼儿营养品领域的先驱和领导者。1915年第一款模拟母乳的婴儿配方奶粉SMA的发明以来,惠氏不断创新,始终引领婴幼儿奶粉产业的发展。惠氏婴幼儿配方奶粉早在上个世纪80年代中期就进入了中国市场,目前已发展成为中国婴幼儿配方奶粉市场上的领先品牌,深得广大消费者的青睐。目前的品牌有:金装S-26爱儿乐、健儿乐、幼儿乐、学儿乐和S-26爱儿乐妈妈。基于在中国投资项目的成功以及对未来中国经济和市场发展的良好预期,促使惠氏公司决定进一步扩大在华投资规模,为了有效满足中国市场不断增长的需求,惠氏公司决定在中国苏州工业园区投资26亿元人民币(约3.8亿美元)新建一家世界级的营养品工厂- 惠氏营养品(中国)有限公司。惠氏营养品苏州工厂已于2010年10月正式投产运营,成为在全球营养品技术最先进,规模最大的生产基地之一,年产量达4万吨。我们期待充满活力,充满热情,有进取精神和责任心的优秀人才加入到我们的队伍中来,惠氏将为你们提供优厚的报酬、良好的福利及各种培训发展机会。公司详情欢迎大家浏览www.wyeth.com,www.wyethnutrition.com
