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  • 12-28 发布


?Coordinate GMP training program for all GMP staff within Wuxi Bio across all sites.协调工厂所有GMP人员GMP培训计划?Conduct and facilitate standardized training in a classroom setting as well as On-the-Job skills training for GMP training at the Wuxi site.实施并促进工厂GMP课堂培训以及岗位培训的标准化?Establish/revise GMP training program curriculum for QA required training activities for all GMP staff at the Wuxi site.建立并维护工厂所有员工的GMP培训计划?Create/revise training materials with associated assessments for intended purpose.建立并修订培训相关的评估材料以符合预期用途?Coordinate training related activities for all GMP staff within Wuxi Bio across all sites.能够协调工厂内GMP人员的培训相关活动?Maintains records to document all GMP training.保存GMP培训相关的培训记录?Training (MC) system coordinator.培训系统协调?Track training related metrics追踪培训相关的指标任职要求:?Bachelor degree with major in Science such as Biology, Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, or related major.本科毕业,生物,化学,药学或相关专业?GMP Training & training electronic system experience is preferred.GMP培训、培训电子系统相关经验优先?Good communication and training delivery skills.良好的沟通及培训技能?Ability to work effectively as part of a team and to exhibit effective interpersonal skills.能够进行有效的团队合作,沟通及人际关系处理技能?Able to multi-tasks and prioritize accordingly while working in a fast-paced work environment.能够适应快节奏的工作环境,实现多任务工作并按优先顺序安排好工作 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药




使命 我们的使命是转变和加快制药发现、开发及在快速成长的生物制剂领域造福全球患者。 公司简介 药明生物技术(药明康德关联公司)提供全面、综合及可高度订制的生物制剂发现,开发及生产服务。我们是世界上唯一的开放式生物制剂技术平台,提供端到端解决方案,让任何人能从概念到商业化生产过程中发现、开发及生产生物制剂。我们提供的单源式服务为客户节省了宝贵的项目时间和费用。我们公司的历史和成就证明了我们为全球客户提供真正的一站式,开放式服务的价值主张和承诺。 更多信息,请登录公司官网:http://www.wuxibiologics.com.cn/
