01-02 发布
- 五险一金
- 免费班车
- 餐饮补贴
- 绩效奖金
- 定期体检
1.Work closely with technical team members, clients and BD/BO to ensure the proposals generated for API, Drug Product and Analytical development projects meet regulatory requirement for CMC development in new drug application (such as IND/IMPD) with both domestic and international regulatory agents.2.Create and maintain detailed CMC project plans to ensure clarity of deliverables and timing.3.Answer the CMC related questions from client and internal teams.4.Coordinate meeting logistics including scheduling the meetings, sending out the agendas, writing and distributing minutes, tracking goals and action items, collecting meeting materials from line functions and distributing them to the team before the meeting.5.Assist the preparation of the responses to questions from CFDA /FDA and client regards to the work conducted in STA.6.Train the functional teams on the regulatory knowledge and requirement for CMC filing.任职要求:1、本科及以上学历,药学或化学相关专业;2、精通中英文书面和口头表达;3、学士10年以上、硕士7年以上,有5年以上项目管理经验;4、有丰富的小分子药学研究(CMC development)和项目管理经验5、熟知FDA,CFDA及欧盟等国新药申报中对CMC研发(原料药,制剂和质量研究)的相关法规要求,熟悉CTD申报资料要求的CMC研究部分的工作内容;6、熟练使用MS Project, Excel, PowerPoint, Word等软件7、优秀的表达能力,良好的沟通能力和良好的团队合作精神,有计划性;9、注重细节,并能及时跟踪工作进展;10、有较强的领导能力; 职能类别: 医药技术研发管理人员
合全(sta)是药明康德全资子公司,其中包括:上海合全药物研发有限公司( 原药明康德工艺研发部,上海外高桥),合全药物公司是sta 专门从事工艺合成路线研发及放大实验的研发团队;合全药业金山公司和常州公司是sta 提供符合cgmp 标准的中式放大及商业化生产的基地。shanghai syntheall pharmaceutical co., ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiaries of wuxi app tec, including:sta r&d is professional in route selection and process scaled up r&d;sta jinshan and changzhou are the pilot plants and commercial production base under cgmp.sta 公司愿景 sta vision:改变创新药api 的工艺研发和生产模式,加快新药研发速度,降低新药成本,造福人类健康。transform how industry develops and manufactures apis, shorten the time and lower the cost of new drug developments, improve the quality of life.sta 公司使命 sta mission:不断创新、不断完善创新药api 的工艺研发以及研发和商业化生产的一体化平台,为全球新药研发机构提供最优质最高效的api 工艺研发和生产一体化服务和***解决方案。constantly enhance the capabilities of our fully-integrated api development and manufacturing platform from preclinical batches to commercial supplies, provide highly efficient and cost-effective solutions to our partners worldwide.
招聘顾问 1-2万/月
品质保证专员/主管 (研发QA) 0.8-1.5万/月
有机合成工艺研究员 0.8-1.3万/月
临床情报信息专员/主管 0.8-1.5万/月
合成研究员/高级研究员 0.7-1.3万/月
制剂研究员/高级研究员 0.7-1.3万/月
无机检测(石棉) 4.5-6千/月
医药销售代表 5-12万/年
售后服务工程师 6-8千/月
(高级)医药代表/专员--EN--上海 1-1.5万/月