• 2年经验
  • 本科
  • 招1人
  • 01-04 发布
  • 五险一金


1.负责实验室日常维护管理。2.负责营养食品,保健食品产品配方及工艺开发。3.对实验数据分析统计汇总报告。4.按照客户的要求提供样品。5.协助采购部联系原辅料供应商。6.协助完成保健食品注册备案工作。7.完成领导交办的其他工作。有熟悉产品微信平台推广,网络软文编写,具有企业化经验,熟悉产品设计等人员优先。要求:1. 2年以上食品、保健食品或者药品行业工作经验。2.熟悉片剂、液体饮料等剂型。3.善于沟通,工作细致,严谨,积极主动,有良好的团队精神和职业素养。 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药 关键字: 周末双休 带薪年假 年终双薪 奖金丰厚




Viva Biotech Ltd. ------- Expert in Preclinical Biology Services Viva Biotech, a Contract Research Organization (CRO), is dedicated to providing drug discovery biology service to global pharmaceutical and biotech companies. Viva has a team of leading scientists in drug discovery industry, many with over 10 years pharmaceutical and drug discovery experience in senior positions within companies such as Pfizer, Merck, Charles River, Millennium, Arqule, Enanta, Abbott and at premier academic institutions such as Harvard, Stanford, Cornell, Duke, Hughes Institute and the Burnham Institute. With our experienced team and efficient technology platforms, Viva is your partner for increasing efficiency and cutting the cost of drug discovery. Viva, with strong financial backing, is strategically located in the world-renowned biotech and pharmaceutical base, Zhangjiang high-tech industrial park, Shanghai, China. Viva aims to provide biology focused services supporting drug discovery and deliberately has no internal drug discovery activities to avoid any conflict of interest with its clients.
