01-09 发布
岗位职责1、负责公司产品在海外市场的宣传;2、开拓国际市场,负责客户开发、维护和管理工作;3、与商务谈判与签订合同;4、负责客户电话、邮件及询盘、订单的处理;5、负责与货代公司联系,确定运费,计算产品报价;6、负责合同履行过程中紧急意外情况的妥善处理。7、负责各种出口单据的制作与填制;8、负责进出口业务流程管理和风险控制。任职资格1、专科及以上学历,国际贸易、商务英语类相关专业,有单证经验;2、1年以上工作经验,有外贸经验优先考虑;3、熟悉行业操作流程及相关法律法规;4、具有独立业务拓展能力,公关意识强,具有较强的事业心、团队合作精神和独立处事能力,勇于开拓和创新;5、工作能力强、可塑性强的优秀应届毕业生也可考虑。 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药 贸易/外贸经理/主管
江苏金维氨生物工程有限公司建立于2012年,是无锡一诺化工产品有限公司(成立于2000年)的全资子公司。公司坐落于美丽的太湖之滨无锡,交通便利、物流发达,至中国最大的出口港上海、宁波仅两小时车程。公司完全按照食品药品GMP要求建立了3000多平米的现代化厂房,拥有十万级洁净车间及一万级微生物检测实验室,采用行业中独一无二的微波杀菌干燥工艺,大大提高了生产能力和产品品质;公司已通过KOSHER、HALAL、ISO9000认证等国际认证,可为各种氨基酸、维生素等营养膳食补充剂提供粉碎、预混、速溶、制粒、压片等加工业务。公司技术力量雄厚,具备完善的质量保证和质量检测体系,确保向市场提供质优价廉的营养补充剂产品。“良心做企业,畅行天地间”。本公司将以科技创新求发展,坚持“质量为本、服务至上、一诺千金”的企业宗旨, 以快速、精细、优质、诚信的售后服务树立一流企业形象,竭诚为国内外新老客户提供一流的配套服务,努力打造国内一流的氨基酸专业供应商。 AMINO LIFE (WUXI) BIOTECH CO.LTD. was set up in 2012 which is the a wholly-owned subsidiary of WUXI ENOVO CHEMICAL CO.,LTD.(set up in 2000).The company is located in beautiful WUXI city, it enjoys convenient transportation which is only two hours drive to two largest sea ports: Shanghai& Ningbo.The company established more than 5000m2 of modern plant which is fully in accordance with GMP requirements.Now we have class 100,000 clean workshop and class 10,000 microbiological testing laboratory. And the industrial microwave oven we used in sterilization drying process is unique in this field which greatly improved the production capacity and product quality.The company already passed KOSHER, HALAL, ISO9000 certifications, we provide crushing, premixing, instantization, granulation, tablets compression,capsule filling,subpackaging and other OEM/ODM services with varieties of amino acids and vitamins .We have strong technical force, perfect quality assurance and quality control system to ensure providing the better-price&high-quality nutritional supplement products.To do business with conscience is our aim ,the company will seek the development of scientific and technological innovation, adhere to the company purpose“Service is our foundation,Quality is our commitment”, striving to build the first-class professional supplier of amino acids.