01-12 发布
- 五险一金
- 补充医疗保险
- 交通补贴
- 通讯补贴
- 专业培训
- 绩效奖金
- 弹性工作
- 定期体检
I.Summary of PositionThis position is responsible for achieving annual sales objectives in a given geographical area. The committed salesperson must be able to achieve results through customer contacts and support activities, and develop and nurture the long term relationships that will assure continued success and growth for the company. 负责实现所在区域的年度销售目标。销售人员必须能够通过客户拜访达成销售,并建立和发展长期的合作关系,确保持续销售和业绩增长。II.Principal Accountabilities1.Utilizes a consultative sales approach to influence doctor and staff to purchase and commit to using Hu-Friedy, products. Meets with assigned group of dentists and their staff on a consistent basis to promote and detail products and services, relate new product information and receive feedback on the company's products and services. 采用顾问式销售方式影响医生及诊所人员,来推进Hu-Friedy产品的销售和使用。保持与牙医及相关人员定期联络,推广、销售豪孚迪产品和服务、介绍新产品、获取客户反馈。2.Travels throughout assigned territory, via co-travelling with appointed dealer representatives and directly, to call on established and prospective customers to solicit orders, or to qualify them as sales prospects for the company. Reps are responsible to maintain set number of meetings per day, week and month in order to grow sales dollars to established levels over prior year. 在负责区域内出差,单独或和代理一起拜访现有客户与潜在客户,从而推进销售,帮助代理提高其能力使其能够胜任Hu-Friedy产品的销售工作。每天、每周、每月需要完成一定的拜访次数,从而实现业绩目标。3.Provides quick response and resolution to customers' requests. 快速回应客户的需求并予以解决。4.Meets monthly, quarterly, and annual sales quotas established by Hu-Friedy. 完成公司确定的月度、季度、年度销售数字。5.Establishes a track record of converting key brand business to Hu-Friedy Brand products from the competition. 对如何让主要客户从使用竞争对手的产品转换为Hu-Friedy产品的销售过程建立跟踪记录。6.Introduce and establish new products to key customers, through co-working and other regular contacts at dealer branches, schools, hospitals, and government institutions. 通过共同努力,或其他与代理商、院校、医院、政府机构的日常合作,向主要客户推荐、发展新产品。7.Identify, attend and participate at conventions within the territory and throughout the country, when needed. 根据需要参加区域内或全国范围内的展会。8.Understands and supports the company's sales policies and procedures to provide proper and effective treatment to all of the company's customers. 理解并支持公司的销售政策和程序,恰当而有效地与客户处理关系。9.Relates new product ideas and product extensions to Marketing Management for evaluation. 向上级主管提出新产品或产品延伸的建议方案,以获得评估。10.Creates and utilizes sales strategies, sales aids and approaches in order to increase sales activity in the territory. 在负责区域内建立及使用销售战略和辅助手段,达到增进销售的目的。11.Prepare and present an annual sales plan to management, with periodic updates as requested or as necessary. The plan must identify specific actions necessary to achieve sales goals. 准备年度销售计划提供给上级,定期更新销售数据。年度计划应确定具体的销售目标和方案。12.Follows corporate policies regarding customer entertainment and customer relations. 对于客户招待和客户关系的处理一律遵循公司制度。13.Develops and fully utilizes territory management tools to include account coverage and fiscal management. This would include block plan organization, management of aging receivables, and budget compliance. 开发和应用管理工具来管理区域客户和数据,包括计划结构、账款管理、预算管理。14.Reviews and reports complaints received from customers and recommends corrective action to the Sales and Marketing Director through established reporting guidelines. 汇报从客户处收到的投诉意见,提出纠正改善措施的建议。15.Collects and reports competitive information to Marketing Management. 收集和汇报竞争对手的信息。16.Prepares periodic reports including weekly call reports, weekly expense reports, monthly reports, periodic general reports, and other reports as assigned. 完成定期报表,如电话拜访周报、费用周报、月报表、一般报告以及主管要求的其他报表。17.Displays or demonstrates product, using samples, catalogue, and clinically established techniques to emphasize saleable features and benefits. 使用样品、目录册以及临床技术等进行产品展示,强调产品特性和卖点。18.Quotes prices and credit terms and prepares sales proposals/contracts for orders obtained and perspective orders. 对已有订单或潜在订单进行报价、准备销售合同。19.Maintains all reporting requirements under established guidelines. 遵守报表的规范要求。III.Functional Knowledge, Skills & AbilitiesThis position requires an individual with:1.2-5 year’s sales experience, preferably in the dental business 2-5年销售经验,齿科行业为佳。2.College degree, preferably in dental hygiene, health sciences, and/or business, or equivalent knowledge level and ability to perform substantially the same work as a degreed individual due to advanced knowledge through a combination of work experience and intellectual instruction. 大专或以上学历,口腔、临床医疗、商务专业为佳。3.Ability to accommodate a customary and regular travel schedule including an overnight travel schedule. 能够经常出差。 职能类别: 医疗器械销售代表 客户经理/主管
美国豪孚迪制造公司拥有百年品牌历史,是全球最大的牙科器械制造商之一,为全球牙科专业人士提供多达7000余种的产品,用户遍及83个国家和地区,以优质可靠的牙科医疗产品和服务享誉国际。豪孚迪医疗器械(上海)有限公司是由美国豪孚迪制造公司于2003年在上海浦东康桥工业区建立的独资子公司,致力于引进国际领先的牙科器械生产技术,积极开拓中国市场,为中国用户提供科技领先的产品与服务,带来优质的用户体验,以满足中国牙科诊疗水平日益发展提高的要求,最终与中国社会实现共同进步。为满足Hu-Friedy在中国的业务增长, 我们诚邀优秀的您与我们一起成就未来!
驻地招商经理 6-8千/月
驻地招商经理 6-8千/月
驻地招商经理 6-8千/月
产品经理 1-1.5万/月
动力作业员(冷冻/水处理) 5-8千/月
某500强医疗行业巨头招聘Scientist 40-50万/年
500强医药公司招聘SFE销售数据分析 6-8千/月
美资实验室公司-BD助理(三方一年后转正) 6-9千/月
世界500强医疗公司实验室助理实习生 100元/天
世界500强医疗公司实验室助理实习生 100元/天
世界500强医疗公司实验室助理实习生 100元/天
世界500强医疗公司实验室助理实习生 100元/天