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  • 招1人
  • 02-05 发布


岗位职责: 1.理解公司软件产品的需求和功能,制定测试计划、设计与撰写测试用例。 2.执行具体测试任务并确认测试结果,进行缺陷跟踪,完成测试报告。 3.与开发,产品等部门沟通以保证测试输入和输出的正确性和完备性。 4.负责相关医疗软件文档的编写与审查; 岗位要求: 1.计算机或医疗信息化相关专业本科以上学历,1年以上软件测试工作经验,具有医疗软件测试经验者优先。 2.熟悉软件工程理论和方法、了解相关的软件开发测试流程,熟悉测试文档的编写; 3.熟悉当前流行的软件测试技术,有自动化测试经验者优先; 4. 对工作认真负责,思路清晰,善于交流,具有良好和团队协作意识。 职能类别: 医疗器械生产/质量管理 软件测试




China Healthcare Consultant (Group) Company Limited (CHC) is a China's leading medical industry and investment consulting services company, headquartered in Hong Kong. CHC offers China medical business information, business development and influence spread, industry and investment consulting service for China and international medical clients. CHC devotes to become the leading medical consulting service company in China and the Asia-Pacific region. We provide various customized solutions to meet your business and investment needs. Our services include: medical information data, healthcare investment consulting, medical industry summit etc. which dedicate to the establishment of medical institutions and corporate investment in the field of business cooperation platform. Website:www.chconsultant.com
