上海相关职位: 生物质检实验员 医药产品经理 活性分析高级研究员 市场助理 实验技术人员 产品经理 临床监察员 CRA - SH CRC经理(CRC Line Manager)异地招聘、上海工作 CRC经理(CRC Line Manager)异地招聘、上海工作 理化分析高级助理研究员
周边城市招聘: 上海 浙江 安徽 广东 山东 河北 重庆 北京 江苏 湖南
企业入驻日期: 2017-11-30
BASIC PURPOSE OF THIS POSITION:This will include providing high quality field service support to the customers for instrument installation, maintenance, repair, check-up and training to customers and assuring customer satisfaction in the area.ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:The incumbent will also be responsible for, but not limited to the following duties:? To work with other CTS Representative as a proficient CTS team? Technical support to dealer's engineers? To provide instrument installation, maintenance, modification, repair, checkup and training activities on the customer site, service workshop or exhibitions? To sell service contract and other service products in the area? To provide high quality service to Beckman Coulter users and achieve customer satisfaction and optimal service quality? To provide supports to inter-company groups like attending seminar, user training, sales demo and exhibition? To assist conducting training on his experience products? To maintain his own tools, carried service parts and technical information in good conditions? To fill-in and submit the field service reports, expense report, trip report and work report timely? Assist the supervisor to achieve the yearly targets of CTS Department? To answer customer inquiriesThis description is a summary of principle responsibilities and is not intended to include all duties may be assigned.WORKING RELATIONSHIPS AND CONTACTS:? External contacts for this position include dealers and vendors. Customers may include hospitals, laboratories, institutes, factories and universities.? Internal contacts include US Technical Supports, Sales, Marketing, CAS and Finance, all CTS department staff members as well as other service support administrator staff in other offices of the company to gain information or to resolve problems.SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND GIVEN:The incumbent of this position is responsible for his/her own work. Only new work is reviewed before issue, all other work is handled independently, reporting status to managers/supervisor. Some work requires analysis and use of initiative and independent judgment, but most assignments are specific and well defined.ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS:EDUCATION & SKILLS:? College degree or above, major in Biomedical Engineering, Mechatronics, Medical Devices, Medical Electronics, Automation & Control or other relevant professionals? Good English skills in speaking, reading and writing, pass CET 4? Familiar with computer hardware and common software such as Windows system, Microsoft OfficeWORKING EXPERIENCE:? Minimum two years of related working experience.? Being experienced in life science industry or medical device industry is preferredFUNCTIONAL COMPETENCIES:? Follows basic instructions to perform simple tasks and/or operate simple equipment? Continues to learn and acquire expertise as necessary? Prioritizes activities to complete assigned work? Anticipates problems and acts to manage them appropriately? Engages in self-development to expand job and company knowledge in order to be more effective? Recognizes new ideas and theories and how they impact work? Holds self-accountable for assigned work? Gathers and develops understanding of information within the company using courtesy, tact and appropriate language? Reads, understands and creates simple instructions? Participates on work unit teams to improve processes? Supports team goals and team members? Learns customer business needs? Contributes to customer satisfaction? With good communication skills 职能类别: 医疗器械维修人员 售前/售后技术支持工程师 关键字: 医疗器械维修 维修工程师 售后技术支持
作为全球500强美国丹纳赫集团旗下知名公司之一的徕卡显微系统,是显微镜和科学仪器领域的全球先驱。公司开创于十九世纪,从家族企业发展至今已有160多年历史。如今的徕卡已成为全球知名企业,以无可匹敌的创新精神延续辉煌历史。 徕卡显微系统总部设在德国的韦茨拉尔 (Wetzlar),在全球 100 多个国家设有代表处,在 7 个国家设有 12 个制造基地,在 20 个国家设立了销售和服务机构,并且设有全球性的代理商网络。 自1995年进入中国以来,始终秉承"与用户合作,使用户收益"的宗旨,凭借业界领先的产品性能和系统全面的解决方案, 成为了中国显微镜行业中的佼佼者。公司涉及的领域有生命科学研究、工业和医疗手术。 截止2013年底,徕卡在中国已有7家办事处,销售和服务网络涵盖了包括香港在内的16个区域,年销售额超过1亿美元。在上海建有生产基地和研发中心,员工超过300名,生产总额超过2500万美元。Leica Microsystems, as a member of Danaher Group in the USA, which ranks the Fortune 500, is a world leader in microscopes and scientific instruments. It has been 160 years since the family enterprise was founded in the nineteenth century. The Company’s history was marked by unparalleled innovation on its way to becoming a global enterprise.Leica Microsystems is headquartered in Wetzlar, Germany. The company has established offices in more than 100 countries, 12 manufacturing facilities in 7 countries, with sales and service organizations in 20 countries as well as global dealer network. The company has become the leader in China microsystem industry with its leading products and systematic and comprehensive solutions with the commitment of “Cooperate with the customer and benefit the customer” since it came into China market in 1995. At global level, Leica Microsystems is organized in three divisions, Life Science, Industry and Medical. As of the end of 2013, Leica Microsystems has established 7 offices in China with sales and service network covered 16 regions including Hong Kong. The annual revenue exceeded $ 100 million. The company has manufacturing facility and R&D center in Shanghai with more than 300 employees and over $ 25 million production.公司网站:www.leica-microsystems.com
区域销售经理(江苏&浙江) 10-15万/年
网络销售专员 4.5-6千/月
医疗器械销售代表/销售员-武汉 4.5-6千/月
实验室初级技术人员 3-4.5千/月
北二区市场准入经理(陕甘宁青新川渝鄂藏) 20-40万/年
北一区市场准入经理(京津冀晋蒙黑吉辽) 20-40万/年
北一区市场准入经理(京津冀晋蒙黑吉辽) 20-40万/年
北一区市场准入经理(京津冀晋蒙黑吉辽) 20-40万/年
有机合成研究员 4.5-8千/月
遗传学检测现场服务工程师 6-8千/月
研发经理 1-1.5万/月
Channel Analysis Supervisor 10-15万/年
设备负责人 6-8千/月
实验室技术员/分析员 3.5-5.5千/月
合成主管 1-2万/月
上海相关职位: 生物质检实验员 医药产品经理 活性分析高级研究员 市场助理 实验技术人员 产品经理 临床监察员 CRA - SH CRC经理(CRC Line Manager)异地招聘、上海工作 CRC经理(CRC Line Manager)异地招聘、上海工作 理化分析高级助理研究员
周边城市招聘: 上海 浙江 安徽 广东 山东 河北 重庆 北京 江苏 湖南
企业入驻日期: 2017-11-30