02-08 发布
Major Responsibilities/Activities: KOL - Responsible for developing scientifically based peer-to-peer relationships with Key Opinion Leaders in big cities with business priorities. Identify and develop knowledgeable national speakers.Meeting/Visiting - Presents scientific data of a basic level to Healthcare providers in both group and one-on-one settings in accordance with Company Policies, and applicable laws, regulations and ethical standards.Medical Inquiry - Demonstrates appropriate response and documents the provision of accurate, approved scientific data in response to unsolicited scientific questions or requests posed by Healthcare providers for approved Products and or Brands and for products in development in accordance with Company Policies, and applicable laws, regulations and ethical standards.Insight - In accordance with company strategy, develops and maintains contacts with external experts to further understand and gain insight into treatment patterns, scientific activities taking place within the Disease Area needs and interests of Healthcare providers, and medical needs of patients. Identifies and prepares speakers for promotional programs and speaker training meetings.Sales – Provide advanced sales training being synergized with scientific meetings or visiting.Knowledge Update - Demonstrates expertise and knowledge of products, patient treatment trends, clinical trials, and scientific activities within the Disease Area and continuously updates this expertise and knowledge based on training direction and approved resources provided. REQUIREMENTS: Industry experiences: Master degree or above in clinical medicine; experience in pharmaceutical industry or medical practice in hospital is preferred Position experiences: Clinical doctor background of the responsible therapeutic areaExperiences in medical department of multinational pharmaceutical company is preferred Clinical practice in Abbott products related therapeutic areas is preferred Presentation Skills: Experience of presentation as medical personnel in industry or teacher in teaching hospital Language Skills: Fluent English in reading including Medical English Computer Skills: Microsoft Office software, literature retrieval skills Mobility: Is willing to travel Certificate Required:Other Special requirement: Familiar with literature retrievalStrong communication skills 职能类别: 临床协调员
雅培简介 服务于全球医疗保健需求 雅培是一家全球领先的多元化医疗保健公司,致力于药品和医疗产品的研发、生产和销售,主要业务涉及营养品、器械和诊断设备等。雅培在全球拥有90,000多名员工,业务遍及130多个国家和地区。 雅培在中国开展业务近20年,为中国消费者提供各种营养品、药品和医疗产品。雅培中国总部位于上海,在华拥有3,000多名员工。 科学传递关爱 在我们120多年的发展历程中,雅培人一直为着一个永恒的目标而不懈地努力:推动医疗科学进步,帮助人们更健康地生活。这也是我们公司优良传统的一部分并且将继续推动我们不断向前。 2010年雅培全球10个研发中心投资超过37亿美元,在全球拥有7,000多名科学家,每年申请专利超过200项。 良好的工作环境 在雅培,我们提供优良的工作环境,并被公认为优秀雇主,对此我们倍感自豪。我们以承诺提供优越的工作场所而获得了众多本地,全国及国际性的荣誉。雅培员工知道他们所得到的都是最好的——从获奖医疗保健福利到各种便利和福利服务及长期退休福利。 雅培的全球企业公民责任 雅培全球企业公民责任为改善人类生活而努力。雅培公司致力于四大战略重点:保护患者和消费者、创新未来、改善获取渠道以及维护环境。雅培应用其核心科学、专业知识和技术与资源,在全球开创可持续性的医疗保健解决方案。 雅培最新获得的荣誉: 道琼斯 雅培连续6年入选道琼斯可持续发展指数,位居前列 《财富》 在2010年“最受尊敬的企业”排名中,雅培位居制药行业最受尊敬第一名; 《财富500强》名单中,雅培2011年度排名第254位; 《巴伦周刊》(一份由道琼斯发行的著名的美国商业杂志) 2010年“全球最受尊敬的公司”排名第24位; 雅培CEO白千里连续第三年入选《巴伦周刊》 “全球最受尊敬的30位CEO”榜单 《南方周末》 雅培公司连续2年入选世界500强企业在华贡献榜,并再次在医疗保健行业中位列前10位。 《DiversityInc》 雅培位列“2010年度企业文化多元化”50强; 《商业周刊》 被列为“最适合毕业生求职的公司”之一; 《职业妈妈》 连续九年被列为“最受职业妈妈欢迎的100家公司”之一; 《科学家》 2010年被«科学家»评为最受科学家欢迎的雇主 排名第四位 雅培公司的新闻资料及其它相关信息可以通过公司网站www.abbott.com.cn 和 www.abbott.com 查询
营业担当 (编号90508) 日语必须 5-7千/月
SAS生物统计程序员 1-1.5万/月
(高级)药物安全专员 1-1.5万/月
(高级)药物警戒/安全性定期报告专员 1-1.5万/月
销售代表 4.5-6千/月
Sr/CRA(高级)临床监查员 (职位编号:1202888) 1-1.5万/月
Sr/CRA(高级)临床监查员 (职位编号:1202888) 1-1.5万/月
Sr/CRA(高级)临床监查员 (职位编号:1202888) 1-1.5万/月
Sr/CRA(高级)临床监查员 (职位编号:1202888) 1-1.5万/月
Senior Biostatistician 1.5-2万/月
Senior Medical Writer 1.5-2万/月
Quality Specialist 0.8-1万/月
药物临床试验之科研护士/临床协调员/CRC 6-8千/月
(应届生)药物临床试验之科研护士/临床协调员/CRC 4.5-6千/月