上海相关职位: 分装主管 化学发光产品研发主管/经理 IPC检测技术员/辅助人员 青年才俊培养生(应届或工作一年内) 化学发光产品研发主管/经理 产品转化(高级)经理-生化试剂 产品转化(高级)经理-化学发光产品 配置技术员 质量管理高级总监(体外诊断试剂) 抗体原料制备工艺员
周边城市招聘: 上海 浙江 安徽 广东 山东 河北 重庆 北京 江苏 湖南
企业入驻日期: 2017-11-22
Sino-foreign joint venture – LBD Life Sciences China Limited, invested by TTP Labtech, has an exciting opportunity for a Field Application Scientist. Acting as a key interface among the Europe's largest independent technology development and innovation group-TTP, China marketing team and end-users, the successful candidate will provide expert level support for related world-leading products in this field. And you are supposed to introduce cutting edge technology and the most advanced and innovative products into China, and make sure they could bloom based on Chinese market. In this specialist capacity, you would be responsible for the latest product techniques and applications, the dissemination of technical product knowledge, on-site instrument demonstration, formulation of product marketing strategy, and find the most suitable market positioning and the greatest value for your product. In this position you could meet a lot of scientists, researchers, and professors from famous universities and research institutes all over China including Hong Kong, Macao. You could also contact with technical director and project leader from large multinational pharmaceutical companies and Biotech Corp. Therefore, this role requires excellent relationship building skills, you are not only an expert but also an adviser giving them the most professional information and advice. The role consists of: 1. Field equipment learning, technology absorption and transformation of related products 2. On-site instrument demonstration, teaching and support 3. Conducted large-scale lectures, training and seminar on related products pre-sales and after-sales; 4. Edit, translate and make the technical manuals and promotional materials 5. Product, market and analysis in related fields, including competitors, sales strategies and market positioning, etc. Job requirements: 1. Master degree or above (major in molecular cell biology and molecular genetics is preferred) 2. Good understanding of sequencing and data analysis and related application fields and related technologies (familiar with single cell sequencing, NGS and third-generation sequencing); 3. More than three years' experience in field application development and pre-sales, after-sales customer technology display and technical support. 4. Extensive experience in on-site Demo and assay Development; 5. Independent thinking and excellent problem solving ability 6. Ability and willingness to travel extensively 7. Good at English, computer and office software. 8. Amiable personality 职能类别: 其他
上海腾泉生物科技有限公司 腾泉生命科技系外商独资企业,总部位于上海,并在香港、北京设立公司及办事处。我司专注服务于蓬勃发展的中国生命科技研发行业,主要企业股东为欧洲最大的独立技术开发创新集团TTP Group。秉承构建长期伙伴关系的企业理念,TTP Group坐落于美丽的英国剑桥科技园Melbourn Science Park内,孵化了多个具有全球影响力的创新公司,并3次获得备受瞩目的女王成就奖。其自主研发的多个产品远超同类竞争对手,如mosquito?纳升级液体工作站,全球装机数量800+,拥有70%以上市场占有率。 作为世界知名企业TTP Group在大中华区的总部和中国技术中心,目前,全球范围内包括哈佛大学、香港中文大学、清华大学、国家新药筛选中心、生物物理所、有机所、葛兰素史克、赛诺菲、强生、恒瑞、药明康德、辉源等在内的众多知名大学、科研院所、跨国药企和国内知名企业均和我们保持着长期良好的合作关系。 为向客户提供更契合的生物科技平台搭建方案,我们不断开创和引进新一代的创新技术、帮助和促进院校及企业千万级平台的成功实施。专注、专业、持之以恒、追求共赢是我们的企业价值,为客户、股东和员工不断创造可观的收益比是我们的努力成果。我们年轻而专业的团队立志成为中国生命科技行业最用心的建设者,期待你成为我们的一员!公司地址:上海市浦东新区张江达尔文路88号21号楼4楼 (邮编:201203)公司官网:http://www.lbd-life.com
医学研究员(博士学历) 1-1.5万/月
QA验证专员 6-8千/月
实验室技术员 6-8千/月
招募:渠道拓展(有医疗行业经验) 0.5-1万/月
项目经理(医药行业) 8-20万/年
电子商务专员 4.5-6千/月
生物销售代表(诊断试剂)/高级销售代表 1-1.5万/月
POCT项目研发负责人 6-8千/月
销售专员 (职位编号:002) 2-3万/年
动物房主管 (职位编号:02350) 3-4.5千/月
项目经理(专***均可) 4.5-6千/月
专利法务 0.5-1.5万/月
上海相关职位: 分装主管 化学发光产品研发主管/经理 IPC检测技术员/辅助人员 青年才俊培养生(应届或工作一年内) 化学发光产品研发主管/经理 产品转化(高级)经理-生化试剂 产品转化(高级)经理-化学发光产品 配置技术员 质量管理高级总监(体外诊断试剂) 抗体原料制备工艺员
周边城市招聘: 上海 浙江 安徽 广东 山东 河北 重庆 北京 江苏 湖南
企业入驻日期: 2017-11-22