02-22 发布
- 餐饮补贴
- 弹性工作
- 专业培训
招聘岗位:1. 有机合成实习生;2. 分离纯化实习生;3. 天然产物化学实习生。实习内容:1. 协助完成实验室工作;2. 协助完成相关资料(如数据库)查询;3. 相关仪器设备的操作与使用;专业要求:1. 药学、中药学、有机合成、应用化学等医药相关专业;2. 良好的英语听说读写能力。有一定实习补贴!欢迎各位感兴趣的同学投递简历至邮箱:bicollgroup@163.com投递简历时,请在邮件主题中标明应聘职位名称+应聘者姓名,如:应聘有机合成实习生 王XX,并附上您的中英文简历,附件文件请勿超1MB。公司网站:http://www.bicoll-group.com/公司地址:上海市浦东张江高科技园区碧波路祖冲之路(近地铁2号线 张江高科地铁站)Own set of responsibilities in the project teams encompassing planning, operating and analyzing experiments;Becoming familiar with state-of-the-art tools in natural materials;Proceeding the plants as a raw material;Extracting and isolating active compounds from natural materials;Working on the literature search supporting the team;Involvement in the development of new substances;Planning and carrying out of preparative organic synthesis in lab-scale;Supporting other colleagues in projects.Job requirementsStudies in Natural product chemistry, TCM chemistry, Pharmacognosy, Traditional Chinese Materia, OAbility to work independently in a laboratory for preparative chemistry;Great attention to detail along with a good sense for natural compounds;Know-how in phytochemistry;Very good written and spoken English skills;Self reliant and solution-oriented way of working;Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and collaborate effectively as a team member;Firm knowledge in MS-Office applications;Ability to work 3 or more days a week. 职能类别: 化工实验室研究员/技术员 医药技术研发人员 关键字: 实习生 合成 化学 药学 生物医药 天然产物 植物化学 上海 外企 张江
Bicoll is a biopharmaceutical company, offering pre-clinical support in the area of Drug Discovery from Natural Products and Medicinal Chemistry. Dedicated to the discovery and optimization of the highest quality lead compounds, Bicoll provides an efficient, multi-disciplinary approach to drug discovery. With outstanding expertise in high tech natural product chemistry and validated experience in medicinal chemistry, Bicoll increases quality and quantity of the drug discovery pipeline of its partner's candidates portfolio. With innovative strategies supported by its proprietary technology platform, Bicoll is able to rapidly select only the best leads with superior drug-like profiles for the further development cycles. Subsequent medicinal chemistry and custom synthesis complete Bicoll's seamless substantial services for the global pharmaceutical and biotech industries. Bicoll provides an attractive international working environment for committed, flexible and motivated employees with excellent English language skills. We are offering our employees an environment of challenge and excellent opportunities for individual contribution to high-tech research and development. Early assignment of responsibility with close communication to experienced colleagues is a major aspect in our flexible and competent team.