上海相关职位: 健康教育专员(职位编号:MT003) 医药销售代表 抗体药物细胞株开发人员 细胞工艺开发人员(细胞培养工艺) 销售经理 代谢组学应用工程师 设备管理员 医疗器械销售主管 医疗器械质量主管 大区总监(四川&陕西&甘肃&新疆&青海&西藏)
周边城市招聘: 上海 浙江 安徽 广东 山东 河北 重庆 北京 江苏 湖南
企业入驻日期: 2017-11-09
Job responsibilities: Meet the needs from drug discovery project teams and development programs, as well as communicate and coordinate with the counterparts at other functions to ensure effective delivery and data qualityIdentify and validate novel targets to fill into drug discovery pipeline and portfolioDevelop and validate patient selection strategies for the clinical development needsExplore indication expansion and combination opportunities for life cycle management of programsEngage with key opinion leaders for scientific collaborationsProvide scientific and technical leadership within the translational medicine community at Hengrui Requirements: Fresh Ph.D. in biomedical science or B.S./M.S. with equivalent working experienceScientific and technical expertise in at least one of the following fields:Genetics and genomics including next-generation sequencing (NGS)Histopathology including immunohistochemistry (IHC) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)Disease-relevant in vitro and in vivo assays and modelsData analysis/interpretation and trouble-shooting abilitiesGood team playersGood oral and written communication skills 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药 关键字: 转化医学
研发新药 改善人类健康 上海恒瑞医药有限公司系江苏恒瑞医药股份有限公司与香港美联贸易有限公司共同投资设立的合资公司,注册资本7200万元,前期建设投资1.8亿元。公司设位于上海闵行经济技术开发区内,其中研发中心占地10053.53平方米,于2004年5月投入使用。在科研开发方面,公司将瞄准国际先进水平,建立科研基础平台,积极拓展新药研发领域,增加产品剂型,填补国内空白,参与国内国际市场竞争,提高民族医药工业水平。整个研发中心致力于创新药物的发现,以极大的热情向社会提供以科研开发为基础,适合市场需求的高科技医药产品。 为什么要选择上海恒瑞?为什么上海恒瑞一定成功? 第一,我们拥有雄厚的资本,决意发明新药,并且已作巨额投资;第二,我们已有丰富的临床和市场发展经验,从实验发明到投入市场的时间大量减少;第三,有能力从目标化合物设计合成,体外体内筛选,药代毒理,药理到GMP生产完全自办;第四,我们拥有一支经验丰富的新药发展团队,融入其中的每位员工都可以增加新药发明过程的经验;第五,我们聘请最优秀的人才,采用先进的生物工程管理方法,以工作表现为基础的薪金奖金制度、活动工作时间以及无上限研究级别升级;第六,我们拥有先进的实验设施—无任务上限的Scifinder的化学信息库等,我们拥有绝对无烟的工作环境,而且先进的实验设备也为我们创造了一个无噪音、无气味的健康环境;第七,我们从事的是真正的有知识产权的新药研发,而不是生产中间体。 Discovering drugs not making intermediates Shanghai Hengrui Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd. is a fully integrated drug discovery company with marketed products well funded by a top Chinese pharmaceutical company dedicated to discovery of IP protected New Chemical Entities (NCEs). We are conveniently located in Minhang Economic Zone, 30 minutes from the vibrant Shanghai downtown and occupy a new 10,000 square meter. laboratories equipped with state-of-art instruments. We are currently recruiting scientists in all areas of drug discovery. We offer a locally competitive compensation and benefits package and provide a highly interactive, open, challenging, smoke-free and campus-like environment. We have also adopted a performance based award system and created a scientific ladder for dedicated and motivated individuals to grow within the company. If you are interested in joining this new drug discovery revolution in China, please forward your resume to Miss Wang (career@shhrp.com) for immediate consideration. Applicants from other areas of drug discovery are also invited to send in their CVs.
上海相关职位: 健康教育专员(职位编号:MT003) 医药销售代表 抗体药物细胞株开发人员 细胞工艺开发人员(细胞培养工艺) 销售经理 代谢组学应用工程师 设备管理员 医疗器械销售主管 医疗器械质量主管 大区总监(四川&陕西&甘肃&新疆&青海&西藏)
周边城市招聘: 上海 浙江 安徽 广东 山东 河北 重庆 北京 江苏 湖南
企业入驻日期: 2017-11-09