03-02 发布
1、年龄22-35岁,高中及以上文化,有1年以上相关工作经验;2、熟练操作电脑及office软件;3、有化妆品或食品\药品行业理化检验员证优先录用;4、有化妆品或食品、药品微检或理化检验工作经验; 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药 化妆品研发
琦雅日化(上海)有限公司企业简介 总经理致辞Oration from General Manager各界朋友:Ladies and gentlemen:琦雅日化(上海)有限公司成立于2003年,作为一家专业的化妆品OEM/ODM企业。已创立十四年,为国内外众多客户、品牌提供了专业的服务,赢得了市场的良好口碑与信赖。As a professional cosmetic OEM/OEM enterprise, Shanghai Qiya Daily Chemical Co., Ltd was established in 2003. We have provided professional service to many domestic and international customers and brands and obtained good reputation and trust from the market after 6 years of development. “雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越”。面对复杂多变的市场形势,我们将坚持以技术为核心点,以质量为中心。继续推进结构调整,增加新品研发、强化推广力度;大力协助开拓品牌市场销售,确保产消同步;规范成本管理,实现降本增效目标;完善人才吸引与培养机制、稳定运作与考核体系,确保公司规范发展;完善内部制度,提升企业竞争力;加快企业信息化建设步伐,推进ERP项目实施。夯实企业发展根基,实现客户、企业、员工、供应商多方共赢! As the saying goes “Idle boast the strong pass is a wall of iron,With firm strides we are crossing its summit”,facing with the complex and chaning market, we insist on taking the technology as the core ponit and focusing on quality. We will continue to promote regulation of the structure, increase research on new kinds of products and strengthen promotion; we will strive to assisst on promoting brand market sale to ensure synchronization of manufacture and sale; we will set criterions for the cost management to realize the target of improving efficiency by decreasing cost; we will perfect the mechanism of absorbing and training of the talents, stabilize the operation and assess system to ensure the company can develop regularly; we will improve the internal system to improve the competitiveness of the enterprise; we will accelerate the progress of information construction of the enterprise to promote the implementation of ERP project. We will realize multiple win among customers, enterprise, staff and suppliers by enhancing the development base of the enterprise. “长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”,始终秉承“品质、服务让您放心”理念的我们,真诚欢迎更多有识之士投身我们靓丽事业、共享财富未来!As the saying goes “I will mount a long wind some day and break the heavy waves and set my cloudy sail straight and bridge the deep, deep sea”, complying with the concept of “quality and service satisfy you”, we welcome more talents to join our beaury career and share the fortune in the future sincerely. 总经理: 施协均
制剂技术员/工程师(药厂) 4.5-6千/月
蛋白纯化分析经理 1.5-2万/月
临床生物统计及分析经理 1-2万/月
临床药理学经理 1-2万/月
临床数据管理经理 1-2万/月
(高级)临床监查员 (SCRA/CRA) 0.9-1.5万/月
蛋白纯化科学家(医药研发) 0.8-1.2万/月
制剂技术员/工程师 4.5-6千/月
制剂研究主管/经理 1.5-2万/月
制剂研发科学家 6-8千/月
BA专员(生物分析专员) 4.5-6千/月
细胞培养技术员/工程师(药厂) 4.5-6千/月
细胞培养技术员/工程师(药厂) 4.5-6千/月
细胞培养技术员/工程师(药厂) 4.5-6千/月
细胞培养技术员/工程师(药厂) 4.5-6千/月